
United States vows to keep South China Sea patrols

The China Daily newspaper called the protests “jingoism that does a disservice to the spirit of devotion to the nation”.


On 12 July, the Tribunal of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague supported the Philippines on nearly all the points it had raised in its case against China’s maritime claims and activities.[1] It was expected that the Philippines would win most of the case given the legal underpinnings of some of these, but the ruling was more wide-ranging and negative for China than was assumed.

The professor stressed that China’s refutation of the PCA’s ruling reflects the country’s disobedience of global law, warning that Beijing may loose its prestige in the world arena due to this attitude.

Chinese news portal reported that residents from an estimated 11 Chinese cities launched a boycott movement against KFC on Monday.

China’s government has generally avoided making direct comments about the election, wary of being seen to interfere, though in April Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei called Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump an “irrational type” due to his tariffs proposal on imported Chinese goods.

It has repeatedly said it will not change its approach or its sovereignty claims in the South China Sea.

Anti-Philippines sentiment can even be felt on China’s largest online shopping web site Taobao, with sellers offering locally grown dried mango instead of fruit grown in the Philippines.

China’s leadership has tried to tamp down this week’s protests with demands in state media to leave foreign companies and their customers alone.

Police officers were dispatched to the protests site to maintain public order.

China defines “relevant and irrelevant parties” to prevent countries “outside the region” like the United States and Japan, as described by Beijing, from interfering in the East Sea issue, he said.

Analysts say the ruling has sparked an outburst of nationalism among Chinese.


With its stanch determination to safeguard its own rights and interests as well as worldwide justice, China will never succumb to any pressure, nor haggle about its core interests, he said, reaffirming China’s stance on the issue.

China Southern Airlines