
Rogue One: Scarif Out December, Ties In With Disney Spin-Off Film Release

If you go slightly to the left, it’s not ‘Star Wars.’ It’s some other sci-fi movie.


We now know more about the Han Solo audition process, about some of what to expect from Episode VIII and most immediately excitingly, about Rogue One’s characters, planets and storyline.

Last month Lucasfilm chief Kathleen Kennedy suggested that the upcoming Anthology movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story may not feature the saga’s iconic opening crawl, and she’s reiterated that stance this weekend during an interview with ET at Star Wars Celebration Europe.

“Star Wars: Rogue One” stars Feleicity Jones, Mads Mikkelsen, Ben Mendelsohn, Riz Ahmed, Jiang Wen, Donnie Yen, Alan Tudyk and Forest Whitaker. Both the DLC and the film will release in December. The DLC will take players to the tropical planet of Scarif as seen in the film’s trailers, and add two more heroes to the fray: heroine Jyn Erso and Director Orson Krennic.

Hasbro and Star Wars have revealed the latest addition to its Star Wars Black Series figure line. Legend:Admittedly, the Death Star novel doesnt focus too much on the Death Stars structure itself—instead, it offers views on the legend of the Death Star, much like Rogue One will do. This time, Warwick “Ewok” Davis hosted the panel.

The next Star Wars: Battlefront DLC will take place on the Death Star, and will be available from September. “Test your skill by taking off and flying through a trench on the surface of the Death Star“, EA stated via the game’s official website .

The third DLC will also introduce new weapons, new heroes and villains. Players will see the hissing lizard man in barefoot, Bossk, as well as the legendary Wookie warrior, Chewbacca.


EA has published a teaser for an upcoming DLC pack destined for Star Wars Battlefront.

Felicity Jones revealing the Jyn Erso Black Series Rogue One action figure