
Clinton on Trump: ‘I can’t really imagine him on a white horse’

“Elections are about the future”, another Clinton has frequently observed, and this year’s Democratic nominee now must convince the American people that she can deliver a brighter one than the harsh, nearly authoritarian vision her opponent sketched out Thursday. “Tim Kaine as my running mate”.


For Spencer and others who share his views, the past week has been astonishing. Colbert chided her over her mean tweets, asking: “Are you bullying him?”

Ivanka Trump, daughter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, speaks on the last day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, the United States, July 21, 2016.

Clinton’s campaign considered picking the liberal favorite for the job.

Kaine has been active in the Senate on foreign relations and military affairs and built a reputation for working with both parties as Virginia’s governor and mayor of Richmond.

Highlighting attacks on police and the threat of terrorism, he said “any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country”.

“It’s incredible. Every night you didn’t know what’s going to happen”, he said.

Kaine’s selection would not be without complication. A string of sons and daughters gave the convention a family feel – with the tycoon’s favourite daughter Ivanka proving a powerful surrogate on the final night when she painted him as a compassionate champion of women’s rights. She is expected to campaign with Kaine on Saturday morning at an event in Miami.

On the floor and corridors of the basketball arena hosting the Republican National Convention, in restaurants and bars, hotel lobbies and conference rooms across Cleveland, the talk was of the rise of Donald Trump, whose unlikely presidential candidacy has caused seismic fractures in the Republican Party. “Stay at home, Ted, relax”.

Donald Trump got through his acceptance speech without riffing on Ted Cruz’s non-endorsement but you had to know it was coming. But it overshadowed the speech by Trump’s pick for vice-president, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who was making his national debut. “They came to me”. Even when the woman is an insightful advocate – Eleanor Roosevelt, for example, a brilliant feminist who actually helped to move the needle on her husband’s policies – it remains shameful that it takes a female surrogate to get issues primarily impacting women onto the political stage.

But Trump supporters said those Republicans were in denial and that Trump had permanently wrested control of the party away from the establishment elites.

Trump accused the former secretary of state of being a political insider with “bad instincts” and “bad judgment”. The couple has three children.

But a recent investigation by the Boston Globe explained how Trump’s campaign employs far fewer women than men and also paid them smaller salaries. “I think she’s one of his best assets”.

But the win had come at the cost of a seriously divided Republican Party, where many prominent figures of the party, including two previous Republican presidents and two previous Republican presidential nominees refused to attend his crowning party.


He pledged as president to restore a sense of public safety, strictly curb immigration and save the nation from Clinton’s record of “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness”. Democrats offered a different assessment of the state of the nation. “Well, he doesn’t understand that Americans, we Americans, we are strong, big-hearted, result-oriented, generous people in America”, she said. At a White House news conference with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, Obama said crime rates, especially those for violent crime, are lower than at any time in the past 30 years. So Ted Cruz took his speech that was done – was on the teleprompter – said hello, then made a statement that wasn’t on the speech and went back to his speech.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump tests the teleprompters and microphones on stage before the start of the fourth day of the Republican National Convention