
Donald Trump’s dark, fiery RNC speech: ‘I alone can fix’ America

Numerous young voters who animated the Sanders campaign (and who delivered resounding victories in the last two elections for President Barack Obama) view her as a leader of yesterday and an avatar of the status quo.


President Barack Obama is dismissing any perceptions that the country is on the “verge of collapse”. Preceding Ivanka was Peter Thiel, the founder of PayPal, who is an entrepreneur and, as he told the Republican convention, proud to be gay.

“As long as we are led by politicians who will not put ‘America First, ‘ then we can be assured that other nations will not treat America with respect”, he said.

He spoke Friday during a joint news conference with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. America fist, again! America first!

In remarks accepting the nomination, Trump doubled down on the convention themes.

“Major loser”, “total lightweight” and “fat pig” are among the Donald Trump phrases Facebook users can brand themselves with using a new app from Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

The Democrat launched the “Trump Yourself” app Thursday.

The 70-year-old NY businessman will use his speech to formally accept the Republican presidential nomination. Instead, his speech was “all doom, all the time” as the ghost-writer of Mr Trump’s best-selling memoir tweeted.

Touting a side of her father rarely seen on the campaign trail, Ivanka Trump cast her father as a leader who would fight to address the student debt problem and would be a champion for equal pay for mothers and single women.

“Hillary Clinton’s message is that things will never change”, Trump said.

He says no matter what people think of him as a Republican, “If you’re a great believer in the Constitution, you have no choice”.

Donald Trump and his aides are not happy with Ted Cruz’s refusal to endorse the Republican nominee – not happy at all.

“I am your voice”, Trump, reading from a teleprompter, told a thousands of Republican delegates and supporters.

“I’ll be watching and listening”, Cruz said, but added: “I won’t sit down, shut up, support the team”.

Heidi is “a very nice woman and a very attractive woman”, he said. The Cruz campaign denied involvement.

Less than 12 hours later, he was free-form again, Trump being Trump, resurrecting a conspiracy theory linking the father of his chief rival from the primaries to John F. Kennedy’s assassination. There is no evidence linking Rafael Cruz to JFK’s murder.

Trump suggested Cruz – in snubbing Trump at the convention, may have “ruined his political career”, – and he accused Cruz at the last minute of swapping out remarks in his convention speech to make it clear he wasn’t endorsing Trump: “To me that’s dishonorable, that’s not a nice thing to do”.

Trump painted her as corrupt, incompetent and hopelessly out of touch.

“If he gives it, I will not accept it!”

For one hour and 17 minutes, candidate Trump reasserted numerous nationalistic themes of his campaign, often shouting his lines to the roar of a packed convention hall.

Trump also boasted of his TV ratings, his primary victories and other achievements, including winning over his wife, Melania, in a stream-of-consciousness delivery with his vice presidential nominee, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, standing quietly nearby.

Trump had just one message for Americans: Be afraid. She supported the job- killing trade deal with South Korea. I wouldn’t say we are just angry people.

Warren made the comment Thursday night during an appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”. Tim Kaine has emerged as a leading contender.

She ended her speech by comparing her father to hard-working Americans.

In her speech, Ivanka – who is Jewish – vouched for her father on issues relating to women and minorities – two groups Donald Trump has struggled to win over.

Trump reinforced his position from the convention stage, saying the United States has been “picking up the cost” of NATO’s defenses for too long.

Now Democrats are eager to step up for their own spectacle. Hillary Clinton is set to snatch attention from Republicans by naming her running mate in advance of the Democratic convention, with Virginia Sen.


Striking notes of humility, Trump described himself as a mere figure-head, acknowledging the unlikeliness that the he’s now the spokesperson of a conservative party frustrated by defeats in four of the last six presidential contests. He promised to work “so hard” and vowed his campaign was “not going to disappear”, even though he has no plans to campaign this weekend and no events on his schedule for next week.

Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Georgia Early Voting Rally