
Trump triumphs as GOP nominee

The U.S. Secret Service reportedly will investigate a statement by Al Baldasaro, a Republican state lawmaker from New Hampshire who is a delegate to the GOP Convention and an adviser to nominee Donald Trump, for telling radio listeners that Hillary Clinton should be shot.


Republicans at their national convention are putting Hillary Clinton on mock trial, declaring her guilty and issuing sentences that include death by firing squad, in a remarkable display of political rhetoric gone wild.

But others have piled on.

Baldasaro, a retired Marine, veteran of the first Gulf war and someone who has spoken publicly at Trump events, was speaking about Clinton’s handling, as secretary of state, of the 2012 attack on the USA mission in Benghazi that left four Americans dead.

She pointed to ongoing struggles with Republican governors in the Midwest, accusing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a former GOP presidential hopeful, of ripping “the heart out of public sector workers’ right to bargain”. But her current ranking in the sport is #492, which makes you wonder if there are 491 female golfers who prefer Hillary.

Following his address Tuesday night where he “prosecuted” Hillary Clinton on stage at the RNC, Gov. Chris Christie was quizzed by NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell if an “imperfect messenger” such as himself should be indicting others, referring to the “bridge events”. Trump, Clinton said, wanted to “tear up Dodd-Frank and let Wall Street run wild again”. “It’s Hillary Clinton once again feeling threatened by a woman and trying to destroy the woman and demean her as a way of positioning her own fate”. “We don’t have enemies in American politics so I can’t agree with that kind of rhetoric”, Cotton, a former USA army infantry officer, told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “The Lead”.

Despite the efforts to shore up his operation, Trump still trailed Democrat Hillary Clinton in fundraising and campaign organization, reports filed late Wednesday with the Federal Election Commission indicated.

“If the campaign can get the private Donald Trump seen publicly, I think he will win it”, he added.

The lion’s share, $25.6 million, went to Trump Victory, which raises money for the Trump campaign, the Republican National Committee and 11 state party committees. “C’mon. We can make the case that she shouldn’t be elected without jumping the shark”. Clinton’s rating was 34 percent favorable and 52 percent unfavorable; Trump’s was 31 percent favorable and 53 percent unfavorable. Asked about the “Lock her up” chant, Manafort opined that “it probably reflects the attitude of a lot of people in America”.

And despite all the conversations about the need for the Democratic Party to come together behind Clinton, just 17% of those surveyed said that Vermont Sen. They must provide an alternative plan, he said, touting his policy proposals.


“We’re going to present the facts to you, as a jury of her peers, both in this hall and in the living rooms around our nation”, Christie said Tuesday.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie speaks during the second day session of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland Tuesday