
Speechwriter says he recycled his own material for Donald Trump Jr. speech

Donald Trump Jr.’s speech brought down the house, standing out as one of the highlights of the program on the night he also announced his father had the votes to capture the GOP nomination. That’s not okay. Don Trump Jr.’s speech was written by a speechwriter who used some of his past material in the speech.


The line in question compared American schools to Soviet-era department stores run for the benefit of the clerks, not the customers.

What should be an elevator to the upper class is stalled on the ground floor. “Now they’re stalled on the ground floor”. Part of the fault for this may be laid at the feet of the system’s entrenched interests: the teachers’ unions and the higher-education professoriate.

Buckley, a law professor at George Mason University, added: “I was a speechwriter for the speech”. Buckley said he helped write Tuesday night’s speech. “I think he can tell you that Frank is the principal”, she said.

Tuesday night, Donald Trump’s spokesman tweeted that the campaign saw no issue with the speech and blamed the Hillary Clinton team for raising the accusations – although there was no evidence to link Clinton to the controversy. Ironically, the lines I used I didn’t invent. I borrowed them from someone else.

Afterward, RNC chief strategist Sean Spicer went on CNN to defend Melania’s speech. Two passages of 30 words or more were almost identical.

There’s also the fact that, in the midst of the Melania Trump backlash, for example, many Trump supporters pointed out that politicians lift ideas and phrases from others’ speeches all the time – something Obama and Vice President Biden have allegedly also done, according to CBS News. “Anything you can do in your dreams you can do now, ‘” he quipped. Now, it looks like her stepson Donald Trump Jr. might have plagiarized his speech too.


“Except it wasn’t stealing”, he tweeted.
