
How Bernie Sanders Responded to Trump Targeting His Supporters

I have seen firsthand how the system is rigged against our citizens, just like it was rigged against Bernie Sanders – he never had a chance.


So, in conclusion, even if I have to hold my nose when I do it, I will vote for Clinton in November.

In a real attempt to sway Sanders supporters, he finally attempted to show that the movement Bernie started isn’t over. I’ve heard from so many Democrats who say in an election like this, who’s the best candidate to beat the Republican?

But even if they fail in their longshot effort, Kestner said the protests will have value in activists’ longer term push to overhaul American politics. These ever-larger and broader local coalitions will: (1) be rooted in principled, anti-corporate politics; (2) launch direct grassroots initiatives and actions on a range of populist issues; (3) recruit, train, and elect thousands of movement candidates to school boards, city councils, state legislatures, and other offices; (4) deepen the relationships and sense of shared objective in this revolutionary democratic movement.

The convention begins Monday with the theme “United Together”. I endorsed Bernie because I thought he would help create the political system we need. But for those who were “feelin’ the Bern”, there is no joy in Mudville and the entire affair leaves a very bad taste for those who find Hillary Clinton an extremely poor substitute for Bernie Sanders when it comes to progressive issues.

Trump should say, “The Clintons are against me and the Bushes are against me”.

“(I was) super surprised”, said O’Leary, “I was not expecting to get elected. “The Democratic Party has to earn back our respect”.

Gibson says Clinton is vulnerable following Federal Bureau of Investigation findings that she was extremely careless in her use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state, and because of her insistence that natural gas is a bridge fuel necessitating ongoing hydraulic fracturing. America is better than Donald Trump.

Evans said there won’t be 100 percent unity, but “I don’t think you’re going to see what went on on the floor … at the Republican convention”. In the current poll, when Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are also included in the question, Trump pulled just 7 percent of the vote among Sanders Democrats, while Johnson and Stein attracted 12 percent, each. “We already have a distribution network for stickers inside the hall, which delegates can wear by the hundreds, some of which are pretty oppositional”, he said.

The only other option they have is to completely leave the mainstream political spectrum and head into the disregarded world of third-party politics.


“Millions of people are going to be watching and they’re going to be listening”, he said. Over on 4chan’s /pol/, memers occasionally paused their mockery of Sanders and his supporters to discuss attempts to “redpill” (in 4chan terms, “redpilling” means enlightening, like in “The Matrix”) Sanders supporters.

Taylor Armerding: Clinton's squishy philosophy is unstable and not credible