
Hikaru Sulu’s gay kiss was cut from ‘Star Trek Beyond’

Sequels to movie reboots are even trickier.


Like the last film in the Fast and Furious series, Star Trek Beyond is marked and made poignant by death. Despite angst from some of the Trek-movie faithful who felt that Trek was already getting too colourful and blockbustery, Lin was an obvious choice, having amply demonstrated his ability to blend playful spectacle with a sense of bonding among a chosen family.

The bickering between Spock (Zachary Quinto) and Bones (Karl Urban) delivers plenty laughs, and Kirk (Chris Pine) still manages to think his way out of seemingly impossible scenarios.

Star Trek 3, a.k.a.

Kirk is considering leaving the Starship Enterprise to become Vice-Admiral. Spock (Zachary Quinto) is feeling a similar impulse.

The moment of silence was followed by a performance by the San Diego Symphony, who played the film’s theme music while fireworks lit up the sky over the Embarcadero Marina Park South.

Watch out. Soon it’s “Shields up!” and “Red alert!” and an overwhelming and visually stunning attack is unleashed on the Enterprise just above a nearby planet.

Which brings us to Krall, the film’s lizard-faced bad guy, played by Idris Elba buried under layers of prosthetics. Back when the original Star Trek first aired on TV there were far fewer TV commercials inside shows.

And because Lin’s “Fast & Furious” films live up to their names, it’s not surprising that the action set pieces in particular and the look of “Beyond” in general are among its strengths.

Instead of “Boldly going where no man has going where no man has gone before”, the third film of this reboot goes beyond by drawing from within; and it works.

Fifty years later, of course, the mission continues, with something of a cult following. They provide enough action and humor to welcome audiences who don’t know much about “Star Trek” lore, but there are also enough references and homages to the source material to keep die-hard fans entertained.

That tack was also taken by Zachary Quinto (a.k.a. the series’ new Spock), who told Pedestrian.TV, “My hope is that eventually George can be strengthened by the enormously positive response from especially young people who are heartened by and inspired by this really tasteful and handsome portrayal of something that I think is gaining acceptance and inclusion in our societies across the world, and should be”.

According to the report, Sulu is depicted to have a daughter and a male partner.


The thirteenth film in the franchise is the culmination of creator Gene Rodenberry’s vision and the stylistics to match it. And as a bonus, H&I is broadcasting the re-mastered and enhanced Star Trek prints with updated effects.

Mr. Spock