
Michelle Obama Can’t Handle How Attractive the Star Trek Cast Is

Some of the scenes might be a little too much for old school Trek fans in terms of style, but it’s hard not to enjoy them. Quite the opposite, I was incredibly happy. Justin Lin (Fast & Furious 6) took over behind the camera while series regular and self-proclaimed Trekkie Simon Pegg co-wrote the script.


Star Trek Beyond is released on Friday (22July16). And it feels profoundly good to say that. He flippantly tells Kirk (Chris Pine), via his communicator, that he always has been, and always will be, his friend. “It felt like we need to get this film to be what the original TV series was about, which was a mission to explore the galaxy”. And we have a society where there are a lot of topics that could be commented about – terrorism for one and global warming, climate change.

With positive notes from audience and critics alike, producers are ready to roll out the new installment for the new “Star Trek” series. Just one is available, and it’s First Contact, which is not even set during The Original Series. So I just went with it.

Fifty years after the network-television debut of “Star Trek” comes “Star Trek Beyond”, unlucky No. 13 for “Trek” at the movies. However, those less fond of the film, have found it to be less exciting and more dreary that its predecessors, to its detriment.

He keeps his plans secret from the rest of the crew including human-Vulcan science officer Spock (Zachary Quinto), communications officer Uhura (Zoe Saldana), navigator Pavel Chekov (Yelchin), chief engineer Montgomery Scott (Simon Pegg) and helmsman Sulu (John Cho).

This post has been seen 21 times. “The “Star Trek” fan base is very strong”. “I didn’t want him to feel that we had reduced him to his sexuality by sort of borrowing this bit, if you will, from his life”, he said in an Interview with Vulture.

Much has been made of the decision to make John Cho’s Sulu gay.

Takei said he loves the cast in the new Trek films.

The evening ended with Star Trek Beyond. Elba makes a fierce villain, even when mostly buried under layers of prosthetics.

Throughout Star Trek, there’ve been plenty of unbelievable women who’ve had strong motivations and terrific performances (Ro Laren, Kira Nerys, Dax, Janeway to name a few – Trek really does have a long lineage of putting women front and centre). Though the crewmembers all have defining features to their personalities, Beyond is able to hit on those well, all while fleshing out new dimensions for a few of the protagonists. We had a great time on the first one.


While at the same event Chris Pine, who plays Captain James T. Kirk in the film, revealed, “I don’t really know any other way that I would have been able to deal with it (Anton’s death) without having my friends and my family around me”.

Box-office preview: 'Star Trek Beyond' targets $55m-$60m bow