
Local attendees see GOP becoming unified as convention ends

The day after his controversial convention speech, Cruz said those comments by Trump played a role in his decision not to endorse Trump.


“As the speech was going on”, Roe recalled, “when it started, it was like, ‘Wow, this is unbelievable.’ ‘He’s crushing it.’ ‘Oh my gosh, this isn’t good.’ ‘What’s happening now?’ ‘Make this stop.’ ‘Oh, no, you really messed up'”.

As for Trump’s claim that the unidentified man in the photo with Oswald “looks like” Rafael Cruz, experts told us not to put much stock in that kind of assessment. “What a jerk!” a delegate standing behind me screamed.

“I always heard he didn’t have that many friends in Washington D.C. He certainly didn’t have that many friends in this room last night”, Trump’s son Eric told NBC’s Today show. “How odd”, I thought.

For those wondering how he would top his ET-returning-to-earth entrance at the confab on Monday, Meyers reported Trump did not arrive wearing Cruz’s pelt. I’ll be talking about many different things.

Cruz, a GOP senator from Texas who finished second to Trump in the GOP primary, defended his non-endorsement of Trump on Thursday, stating that his speech was meant to provide a clear unified vision for the Republican party. The delegates, on the other hand, were not refreshing their news feeds with the alacrity of a lab rat pushing one of those levers that dispense cocaine. They took Cruz’s presence as a sign that he was going to rally around and endorse Donald Trump for the sake of party unity and of beating Hillary Clinton in the fall. The boos and demands for endorsement filled the arena with an angry roar. Heidi Cruz was reportedly escorted from the floor by security; her husband would later be accosted by a livid delegate who called him a traitor.

Trump added that he had “nothing to do with it” and said that the National Enquirer is “in some ways well respected” and deserved a Pulitzer Prize for exposing former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards’s love affair.

The mistake made by the alternates is understandable. Ted Cruz is taking toward nominee Donald Trump.

Trump, well known to Americans as a reality TV star, has upset many in the Republican establishment with his free-wheeling style, frequent insults to rivals and controversial policy proposals such as imposing a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country and building a wall along the border with Mexico. “Don’t. You have principle that you stand on”, he said. Bold and principled it may be, but after hours of reflection, I still can’t see how this does anything but hurt him.

He went on to accuse Cruz of being behind an attack ad targeting Melania Trump that was distributed online by a pro-Cruz political action committee. It will play over and over for the next four years, and possibly beyond. “I think he should have endorsed and followed through what he said he would do”.

Of course, Cruz has built his career on such high-profile moments.

Cruz, known as a ideologue of the conservative Tea Party movement who strongly favors small government, has been a controversial figure in the party himself, upsetting fellow Republicans in Congress by plowing his own furrow.


“I bought a Trump button”, she laughed.

Donald Trump addressed the GOP convention on Thursday the final night