
First Pokemon GO Related Injury Japan Has Already Happened

According to a [PDF] briefing posted on its investors site, via Gamasutra, Nintendo reminded the financial sector that it only owns 32% of the voting power of The Pokemon Company – which is receiving a licensing fee for Pokemon Go.


McDonald’s Japan is collaborating with Pokemon Go for the launch, turning the fast-food chain’s restaurants into hot spots for the game.

The Asian countries however anxious about the delay in the launch of the game. Amidst these reports, Japan’s National Center of Incident Readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity released a a nine tip flier warning players of potential pitfalls which include weather warning, where they walk and to look out for scams. In fact, the video opens with Masuda apologising to people in Japan for making them wait such a long time to play the game.

McDonald’s Japan shares rose about 3 percent following the announcement.

The smartphone game, jointly developed by Japanese firm Nintendo Co., its affiliate Pokemon Co. and American game maker Niantic Inc., has been released in over 30 countries by now. Now latest, the company has been released the game in 36 more countries apart from Japan. “‘Pokemon Go’ can now be played in Japan”. The poster tells players to protect their personal information by not taking photographs using the app near their home, and that accounts should feature a nickname rather than the player’s real name.

The augmented reality game has players out in their real life neighbourhoods “capturing” monsters on their smartphones as they turn up even in ordinary offices and taxis. You can now see armies of Pokemon Go users roaming on the streets trying to capture rare pokemons. Consume drinks that contain salt and frequently take a rest in the shade.

Have some extra batteries or chargers.


Managers of the castle, which is also a world heritage site, explained to public broadcaster NHK that the complex is full of steps and areas – for example the moats surrounding Himeji – that are restricted as they are risky.

A girl walks past stuffed toys of Pokemon characters displayed on the shelves for sale during a Pokemon festival in Tokyo on July 18