
Donald Trump Delivers Dark, Fear-Mongering RNC Speech 31

The world is in a sorry state, Trump said. It was a suggestion Trump first floated during their heated primary battle – one that cause Cruz to explode in anger at the real-estate mogul at the time. “The attacks on our police, and the terrorism in our cities, threaten our very way of life. Any politician who does not grasp this danger is not fit to lead our country”.


Just before Republicans opened the convention on Monday, Trump had trailed Clinton by almost 10 percentage points in the poll.

But his speech-the longest, at an hour and 15 minutes, since at least 1972-had relatively little new to offer women, Hispanics, blacks and others who have been turned off by Trump’s incendiary brand of politics. His kids are inarguably impressive, and if you’re unsure about voting for Trump, they might have been his best character witnesses. But does Donald Trump have the potential to be a great president?

Trump said if Cruz had endorsed him, it may have brightened his former rival’s future presidential prospects. I don’t think he speaks for working families who would be devastated by his reckless economic policies.

He even vowed “to do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology”.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has issued a statement lamenting Friday’s deadly shootings in Germany.

He claimed to be the “voice” of the people who had been “ignored, neglected and abandoned” and renewed his promise to “build a great border wall” along the USA border with Mexico to stop illegal immigration and drug trafficking. On January 21st of 2017, the day after I take the oath of office, Americans will finally wake up in a country where the laws of the USA are enforced.

Mr Trump offered promises of near-instant renewal once he took office and put Americans first, abandoning the rotten policies of “globalism”. “But we will also be a country of law and order.” he is expected to say.

But Henry Barbour, a Republican national committeeman from MS, was willing to forgive the Trump campaign’s rocky showing in Cleveland. “Poverty and violence at home, war and destruction overseas”.

He was blistering about Hillary Clinton, his Democratic opponent, and her tenure as secretary of state, arguing that her diplomatic strategy in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya and other countries had led to civil unrest and political chaos, and rendered her unfit to be president.

Presidential nominee Donald Trump will aim to unify a fractious party in his final remarks as the Republican National Convention draws to a close. “We need to be rescued”, she said.

Republican delegate Brian Kolb, the minority leader of the state Assembly, said people in the state are always looking to see who the rising stars are and people feel that way about Trump Jr.

The Democratic National Convention is set to begin on Monday in Philadelphia. When his plane was grounded with mechanical delays just as Trump was working to settle on his running mate, he flew them out to join him in IN to spend time with the state’s governor, Mike Pence, his ultimate choice. When Cruz reportedly told Trump he didn’t plan to endorse him at the convention, and Trump still gave him a speaking slot, that should have been a big red flag to Cruz – caution ahead.


How did John McCain, George W. Bush, Bob Dole, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon compare in their speeches to today’s Republican nominee? Even if you disagree, like I do, it was the most convincing defense of Trump’s readiness and ability to perform the job.

Trump, after night of mayhem at convention, takes center stage