
Four Florida Planned Parenthoods cited for performing unlicensed abortions

Alabama’s governor Robert Bentley’s office recently released a statement that the state Medicaid Agency will be terminating its contract with Planned Parenthood. But, the AP noted, three of the 16 clinics inspected were found performing second-trimester abortions when they were only licensed to perform first-trimester abortions.


“Licenses are in place to protect the patient from unscrupulous operators, and the state of Florida will ensure every facility is held accountable for its actions”, AHCA said in releasing the information. There was no mention of specific clinics he’d support and no reference to the (obvious) reality that Planned Parenthood has done the lion’s share of widespread healthcare for women – instead there was a weak coverup immediately downplayed by his perpetually ignorant shrugging off of “women’s issues”. The report also found that a Pembroke Pines clinic was not following its own procedures for the labeling and dating of the disposal of fetal remains. It has until August. 15 to submit plans to fix the violation. The video appears consistent with footage Planned Parenthood previously announced might have been secretly recorded.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush condemned the group on the presidential campaign trail Tuesday, and Congressman David Jolly, R-St. Under the legislation, the organization would no longer receive federal funds. Republican governors in Texas, Kansas and Louisiana have started state investigations, as well.

Rick Scott is changing the rules related to abortions to create a “false impression” that Planned Parenthood is not operating in line with state standards.

Planned Parenthood is a four-star rated charity that does vast good.

“A society can only be considered socially just if it protects the most vulnerable among us”.

“The videos are disturbing”, Scott said Wednesday. “Nobody is claiming that they do that in Alabama but we’re going to have a law that says it’s not right”, Sen.

In the original eight-hour video, the “buyers” are shown dealing with Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Medical Director Melissa Farrell. Her first job, as a lobbyist for the Women’s Rights Coalition, was funded in part by Planned Parenthood. “This isn’t what people in our state want our elected officials to spend their time doing”. The clinics, she said, are operating within Florida law. The organization says abortions comprise about 3 percent of its services.


Black introduced the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015, which would temporarily halt all federal funding for the organization for a year while Congress conducts an investigation into the group’s activities. Florida’s budget doesn’t include any money for the organization.

Protesters gather outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Vista California