
Tim Kaine gets warm welcome from neighbors

The Democratic convention begins in Philadelphia on Monday and Clinton will be formally nominated as her party’s presidential candidate.


The secretary of state spoke about Kaine’s background working as a pro bono civil rights lawyer.

Clinton said, “Donald Trump may think America is in decline but he’s wrong”. “. Trump leaves a trail of wrecked lives everywhere he goes”.

However, the timing – at the end of the Republican National Convention – was created to shift focus from Donald Trump back to Democrats as they begin gathering for their own convention in Philadelphia, where Mrs Clinton will become the party’s official presidential candidate.

Donald Trump started off his weekend by assailing Tim Kaine on Twitter, attempting to frame the Virginia senator and former governor as corrupt after he was named as Hillary Clinton’s running mate.

“He fights for the people he represents, and he delivers real results”, Clinton said.

“Anybody who loves America deserves to be here”, he said in Spanish while addressing immigration.

After the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, Kaine drew notice in his anti-NRA push for tighter gun laws.

The person familiar with the search process likened Vilsack to the “heart” candidate, given his friendship with Clinton, but said that Kaine’s experience as a victor in a pivotal swing state along with his Senate experience in foreign affairs helped put him over the top. Florida is the nation’s premier battleground state, and the bilingual Kaine is likely to be a valuable asset in Spanish-language media as the campaign appeals to Hispanic Americans turned off by Trump’s harsh rhetoric about immigrants. “That’s just my kind of guy”, she said. He said, “And all of you will remember a few months ago when he said about (Sen.) John McCain that he wasn’t a hero because he had been captured and served as a prisoner of war in Vietnam”. The troops “deserve a commander in chief with the experience and temperament to lead”, he said. Mr. Trump on Saturday called Mr. Kaine “a career politician”.

It was the first time the two appeared together as a political ticket. Just this week, the senator signed a bipartisan letter calling on the Obama administration to relax some provisions in the landmark Dodd-Frank financial reform package.

“Naming a vice president is the biggest decision a presidential candidate makes and Hillary Clinton nailed it. Tim is a good friend and I know he’ll make an incredible governing partner”. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reaches out to touch Orlando City Commissioners Patty Sheehan’s arm during a roundtable discussion with community leaders at the Holden Heights Community Center in.

Clinton on Friday announced her choice of Kaine over U.S. Sen.

In choosing the soft-spoken Kaine, a former Richmond mayor and Virginia governor with a long establishment resume, Clinton opted for a steady and experienced hand who she hopes will offer a clear alternative to Trump’s volatile campaign and his Republican vice presidential choice Mike Pence.

In sync on a number of issues, Kaine and Clinton back a no-fly zone over Syria despite the Obama administration’s reluctance.

Kaine, who is the nonprofit’s honorary chairman, later told The Associated Press that Senate ethics staffers advised his own staff that the council should cover his costs. In a tweet prior to Saturday’s rally, the GOP nominee contended that Sanders supporters are “furious”.


Clinton, said Kaine, would be a “you’re hired” president, such as through policies to build public infrastructure projects and raise the minimum wage. “Somos Americanos todos”, he said, which means, “We are all Americans”. We will make college debt free for everybody.

Why Tim Kaine has already made history