
What the world saw in Donald Trump’s speech

Newly crowned Republican nominee Donald Trump thanked volunteers and staff members Friday for “an fantastic convention” and proclaimed party unity – even as he continued to bash rival Ted Cruz and re-litigated their primary disputes of the spring. They they said, it’s a boring speech, Mr. Trump. Last night’s speech took it to a whole new level. “She is highly intelligent and extremely talented, and I rely on her both for my company and my campaign”, Trump told the Associated Press in a statement. He described an exceedingly violent nation, flooded with murders, when in reality, the violent crime rate has been cut in half since the crack cocaine epidemic hit its peak in 1991, according to Reuters.


Trump exclaimed, the day after his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.

The move renews questions about whether Trump will follow a more traditional playbook in the general election against presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, or hang onto grievances from a bitter Republican primary campaign.

“Ted was wrong to add that line in the same way that I think people who booed him were wrong”, Walker stated. “I think she’s the best thing he’s got going, (that) and his kids”. But in accepting the Republican candidacy for the USA presidency, this was the message which came through for many of those who listened to the longest acceptance speech by any “Grand Old Party” candidate in almost half a century.

“I saw a Republican convention that talked only to primary voters, only to people who are already voted for Donald Trump”, she argued.

If Cruz does challenge a sitting President Trump in four years, Trump said Friday, “maybe I’ll set up a super-PAC”.

“As a Republican, it is so nice to hear you cheering for what I just said”, he ad libbed.

“I didn’t start anything with the wife”, Trump said, eliciting a loud gasp from one reporter at the back of the hotel ballroom.

Like Anna Roosevelt, Ivanka Trump has a successful career in her own right.

One political convention is down with one more to go. A presidential candidate’s acceptance speech would be scrutinised minutely for facts and many of Trump’s verbal assaults on the U.S. economy during the primaries were factually way off the mark.

Trump Jr., an executive at the Trump Organization who has played an active role in his father’s campaign, hasn’t ruled out a future in politics.

Americans woke up Friday to find “birds were chirping and the sun was out”, Obama said, adding that “some of the fears that were expressed [at the Republican convention] just don’t jibe with the facts”.

After Trump originally made the accusation, Cruz did respond. The invite-only event, billed as a thank-you reception for supporters and staff at Trump’s Cleveland hotel, at first looked like it would simply consist of Trump and his running mate, Mike Pence, making perfunctory remarks saluting the convention and pledging to win in November.

Her star turn in Cleveland was one of the top trending topics on Twitter late on Thursday, with about 121 tweets mentioning her name posted every minute.

She more than compensated on Thursday night, some convention delegates said.


“She gave us enormous insight into him and the kind of man he is”, said retiree Fernando C. deBaca, a 78-year-old New Mexico delegate. “She’s (an) enormously capable young lady, as is her brother”. We see Americans dying on distant battlefields overseas.

Trump, after night of mayhem at convention, takes center stage