
Honor slain officers by respecting Black Lives Matter

We continue thanking them for their service, for offering us protection, though almost every day we are presented evidence to the contrary.


It seems like the ’60s all over again – a disproportionate number of blacks in America expressing distrust and even hatred toward law enforcement.

“A lot of people like to point out the police because they don’t want to admit to the crime that their brothers and sisters are doing to harm them”, said Jarvis Washington, who organized the city’s first BLM rally.

‘We all know that all lives matter. Then he praised the families at Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church for forgiving Dylann Roof, calling Roof a “hateful, bigoted” murderer.

Hodge said they wanted to focus on the importance of voting and community policing, which will be discussed at the next event. There are no foreign governments issuing travel advisories to their police officers cautioning them about their interactions with citizens.

An attorney cited for contempt of court in municipal court Friday and given five days in jail for wearing a Black Lives Matter button has promised not to wear the button in court while her case is appealed.

“Police brutality is one form of structural racism but there are other forms that Black Lives Matter is combating as well”, Roberts told CBC News.

“‘The terrorist on our televisions tonight was Donald Trump”. Her speech at the convention was in the same vein, vouching for Trump’s non-bigot bona fides and acting as an emissary from him to minorities. We’ve got to do better as black people.

She opened her remarks by talking about the events of last month.

The shooting deaths of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, happened amid continuing protests of the police killings of unarmed black men, producing a heightened sense of mistrust between minorities and the police.


The commander in charge of training at the Tempe Police Department described additional training officers are put through. The amount of violence experienced by police officers is not comparable to that which they inflict. “She’s just saying as a black woman, she’s saying black lives matter as well”. An ACLU representative says holding someone in contempt of court for refusing to remove an article of clothing is not unheard of, adding, “Many times this has been done to retain the defendant’s right to a fair trial”. To research the matter, PEW, a nationally recognized research entity interviewed 3,769 adults – 1,799 whites, 1,004 blacks and 654 Hispanics. Patton did not set out to indict the Republican Party; she was there to pitch the convention crowd on her boss. “Rather than deal with that anger, they go out into the community and they have people like Jesse Jackson, the NAACP and Barack Obama and others telling them, ‘It’s the white man.’ When you are already angry, it’s hard to believe the truth”.

Black Lives Matter protesters descend on downtown D.C. but the crowd isn’t what you’d expect