
Ryan to GOP: Trump offers “a better way”

Ryan said Tuesday that he plans to stand behind Trump and Pence despite their past clashes.


On the national stage, Ryan said he sees himself sitting behind a President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence during the state of the union address.

In a reminder of the many crucial down ticket races, Ryan also urged Republicans to elect “a conservative governing majority” in November. “We offer a better way for America, with reforms that actually work”, he said, before listing off the same conservative pablum of less regulation and lower taxes.

Join Us at the GOP Convention on Facebook Live: If you could ask Republicans one thing, what would it be?

“None of this will happen under Hillary Clinton”, he said, referencing policies backed by the Republican Party.

“As Speaker Ryan says, there’s a binary choice”, said U.S. Rep. Keith Rothfus, R-Sewickley, from the commonwealth’s 12th Congressional District.

The rule was explained to the delegates, who were upset to have their votes changed, before Ryan declared Trump the nominee. “Against the dreary backdrop of arrogant bureaucracies, pointless mandates, reckless borrowing, willfull retreat from the world and all that progressives have in store for us”, Ryan said.

“Look, I know this was a tough primary, a tough election”, he continued.

Monday night indicated a rocky start for the Trump campaign.

Trump’s nomination comes with the challenge of uniting the Republican party he’s divided with his ism-filled rhetoric against Muslims, Latinos, women and disabled people.

This compliment is not a new one from Ryan.

The appearance of a prominent national lawmaker like Ryan at the GOP convention’s Pennsylvania breakfast underscores the state’s role as an electoral battleground.

But that’s where Ryan’s praise for Trump ends. He had always been reluctant to support Trump, even after the billionaire businessman became the presumptive nominee.


Ryan’s visit to Elyria highlights the first component of his agenda – a push to fight poverty more effectively than the USA government has done for the last 50 years.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan delivers a speech on the second day of the Republican National Convention