
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton still tied in OH during GOP convention

Ivanka Trump, daughter of Republican Presidential Nominee Donald J. Trump, speaks during the final day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.


Ted Cruz defended his speech at the Republican National Convention and again refused to endorse Donald Trump because of attacks the nominee made on the senator’s family during the primary, The Washington Post reports.

Jones, the Rice analyst, said the incident will not harm him with one important pool of supporters: Texas voters, many of whom don’t feel Trump is conservative enough. “And quite frankly, I think it was something selfish”.

“While I will always respect the freedom to vote one’s conscience, it’s time for party unity”, Republican Sen.

For one night, the Apprentice host-turned-contender chose to dance not with the fractured rhetoric that brought him, instead embracing that despised machine – the teleprompter – he once said presidential candidates shouldn’t be allowed.

During the campaign, Cruz bitterly lashed out at Trump when the National Enquirer, which had also ran an unsubstantiated story accusing him of having multiple affairs, published a picture purportedly of Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, standing near Lee Harvey Oswald.

Speaking of a “crisis” in the country, following the recent police shootings and attacks, Mr Trump said: “The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end”.

“I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father”, Cruz said. Trump’s allies were furious with Cruz.

From In accepting his party’s nomination for president, Donald Trump said “here, at our convention, there will be no lies”.

The political turmoil surrounding Cruz’s actions has irked Rep. George Holding, R-Raleigh, who says he just wants the Republican Party to move toward a better future. A protestor from the women’s organization Code Pink reportedly called Trump a racist, causing a stir with delegates and a pause in the speech. “And I’ll tell you this morning, and going forward, I don’t intend to say negative things about Donald Trump”.

While Trump and Cruz initially steered clear of criticizing each other as other candidates fell by the wayside, the gloves came off once state primaries and caucuses began. Ted Cruz, of all people, for saying “vote your conscience” during his remarks at the RNC this week.

“America is far less safe – and the world is far less stable – than when (US President Barack) Obama made the decision to put Hillary Clinton in charge of America’s foreign policy”.


Cruz’s speech reignited old battle wounds between the two from the campaign trail.

Entrepreneur Ivanka Trump praised her father's business sense and ability to'see potential in others in her speech introducing Donald Trump at the Republican Convention on Thursday