
EA publishes Star Wars Battlefront: Death Star DLC trailer

It is one of the two new planets being introduced in director Gareth Edwards’ Star Wars spin-off – the other being Jedha, described as like “the Mecca of Star Wars”.


During today’s Star Wars Celebration EA revealed that the expansion will include two playable characters, the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk and our hairy friend.

Few moments in movies are more recognizable than the “Star Wars” opening crawl. Being the first-ever Star Wars “story” film, Lucasfilm is looking at taking a different approach to Rogue One as it relates to the opening sequence.

You know, we’re in the midst of talking about it, but I don’t think these films will have an opening crawl“, Kennedy told Entertainment Tonight at the Star Wars Celebration in London.

Gareth Edwards chose to be more close and not say too much.

Edwards speaks about the pressure making a film that touches on his favourite movie of all time. Personally I’m incredibly intrigued by the new tank like vehicle you can see the storm troopers using in the footage.

Rogue One takes place before the events of the original 1977 Star Wars and follows a band of rebels on their mission to steal the plans for the Death Star.

That wasn’t the only Battlefront news on offer over the weekend, as DICE revealed their final expansion for the shooter which is due out in December.

Starring Felicity Jones, Forest Whitaker, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen and Diego Luna, “Rogue One” is the first of at least three planned standalone “Star Wars” films, existing outside the official trilogies.


(Her name is Jyn Erso, and she’s here to kick some Imperial ass.) If so, then Rogue One is the Star Wars story for you.

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