
Hacked DNC Emails Leaked Prior to Convention

Wikileaks released over 20,000 emails on Friday allegedly sent from the accounts of U.S. Democratic National Committee officials, including hundreds of emails from the committee’s Northern California finance director. Brzezinski had called Wasserman Schultz biased in the primaries in May and called for her resignation.


Already, the easy-to-navigate site has all but confirmed the obvious – namely, that DNC head Debbie Wasserman-Schultz actively worked with other DNC members to “marginalize Sanders”.

The DNC was supposed to be neutral in the primary between Clinton and the Vermont senator.

After she announced she was out, Axelrod tweeted, “I find this quibbling over whether @DWStweets leaves now or Friday silly”.

Wasserman Schultz already had reluctantly agreed to relinquish her speaking role at the convention here.

The leaked emails include over 10,000 from the party’s communication director and more than 3,700 emails from the national finance director.

The revelation threatened to shatter the uneasy peace between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders camps and supporters days before the Democratic convention kicks off next week.

“I think I read he is an atheist”.

“It’s not a DNC conspiracy, it’s because they never had their act together.”

It goes without saying: “The function of the DNC is to represent all of the candidates – to be fair and even-minded”.

The publication of the emails comes just a weekend before the start of the Democratic convention, where a major objective will be to unify the Democratic Party by winning over Sanders’ voters.

Intern involvement with protests is mentioned twice in the leaked emails.

“It could threaten their agreement”, one Democrat said, referring to the deal reached between Clinton and Sanders about the convention, delegates and the DNC.

He did not explain why the DNC would try to slime a Sanders surrogate.

“It’s gas meets flame”, the Democrat said. Shortly after, the pseudonymous hacker Guccifer 2.0, widely believed to be the work of Russian intelligence, said they were behind the breach.


Crowdstrike, the firm brought in by the party to clean up after that hack, said the company discovered that two separate hacking groups associated with the Russian government had infiltrated the DNC’s systems.

DNC Data Leak