
Paul Ryan to Pennsylvania Republicans: ‘You could decide this whole thing.’

“Until we are able to determine this problem and the unsafe threat it poses, our country can not be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad and have no sense of reason or respect for human life”, Trump said. “He’s not their flavor of Republican and they don’t agree on many issues”. “Your team doesn’t win the playoffs, we’ve got one team in the playoffs and you’ve got to support them – this is the Super Bowl of politics and I’m here to support my conference leader”, Tillis said. “Let’s show America our best and nothing less”. “We Republicans have made our choice”. Sure we have. You know what I call those?


“He was one of those people who was willing to put his neck on the line and fight for what it actually takes to balance the budget and pay off the debt”, Ryan said.

Ryan had harsh words for the IRS, calling it “arrogant” and “paternalistic”.

“It still comes down to a contest of ideas, which is really good news … when it’s about ideas the advantage goes to us”.

As for Ryan, his argument for Trump seems to be no more complex than Trump will sign GOP legislation and Clinton would not.

Neoconservative political analyst and founder of the Weekly Standard, Bill Kristol, is also pushing for a third-party candidate.

“And finally”, the aide added, “the Speaker will make a call for unity, not just as Republicans but as a country as well”.

The photo raised questions about the procurement of interns and the ethnic diversity within the Republican Party.

“I think he is a conservative because of his experiences, but is he what we refer to as a movement conservative?”

Ryan disparaged the notion of a Hillary Clinton presidency as going backwards. “No, I do not.” .

Ryan also struck a pragmatic tone by saying if Republicans don’t unite behind Trump, it keeps the White House under Democratic control.


Ryan, known for his wonky affinity for crafting conservative policy, has been hesitant to fully embrace the bombastic Trump, even rebuking some of his statements as racist and anti-Semitic.

'Trump avoidance' not reason senators no-shows at convention, McConnnell says