
Chris Christie puts Hillary Clinton on trial at GOP convention

According to a tally from FiveThirtyEight, speakers on Tuesday said “Hillary” 87 times, “Clinton” 70, and “jobs” just 24 times.


And yet, when Christie was asked a day earlier by a MI delegate whether he would actually prosecute Clinton if he were to become the nation’s top law enforcement official, the Garden State big demurred.

“Look around at the violence and danger in our world today every region of the world has been infected with her flawed judgment, Christie said”.

Christie, during a rousing speech at the Republican National Convention’s second night of events, relied on his experience as a former USA attorney “to present a case on the facts against Hillary Rodham Clinton”, courtroom-style, encouraging the captivated crowd to act as a “jury of her peers”. “She doesn’t get the real threat that America faces”. The Federal Bureau of Investigation recently said Clinton was “extremely careless” in her use of private email but didn’t recommend criminal charges. We have a man who wants to lead us.

Christie was reportedly on Trump’s short list for vice president before the billionaire picked Indiana Gov. Mike Pence.

Donald Trump’s son Don Jr. and daughter Tiffany probably account for the bulk of the business talk.

Christie, whose speech noticeably strayed from the night’s theme of “Make America Work Again”, arrived to the convention as an also-ran after missing out on becoming Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick, something that he admitted “disappointed” him.


Christie said she called Syrian leader Bashar Assad “a reformer; a different kind of leader”. He later won re-election for governor in a landslide and was considered a favorite for the party’s nomination in 2016, only to see his political fortunes fall after the George Washington Bridge political scandal.

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