
Hillary Clinton expertly trolls GOP candidates during debate with posters of

Jindal also said states should not expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, as Gov. Christie did in New Jersey and Gov. John Kasich did in Ohio.


The survey veered further into the absurd with questions such as, “Which presidential candidate would you most like to go snorkeling with?”

“Donald Trump was Donald Trump“, said Elleithee, a veteran of Clinton’s 2008 campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Hillary Clinton was reportedly in transit-and possibly taking a selfie with Kim Kardashian (?)-during both Republican debates, but her presence was very much felt as each candidate took repeated swipes at the Democratic frontrunner. “I think it’s unreasonable to think he was ever going to be that kind of candidate”.

They railed on her tenure as the face of the Obama administration’s foreign policy; they called her out for supporting Planned Parenthood; they bemoaned her refusal to take a position on the Keystone XL pipeline.

“Lo uno no quita del otro” – one does not remove the other – Bush’s Hispanic media spokeswoman, Emily Benavides, was quoted as saying.

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham: “If you’re running for president of the United States and you don’t understand that we need to have more ground troops in Iraq… then you’re not ready to be commander in chief and you’re not serious”. He cosponsored anti-abortion bills in 2011 and 2013 that included rape and incest exceptions.

“To all Americans who want a better life, don’t vote for Hillary Clinton“, Graham said.

Marco Rubio suggested Clinton is out of touch with the economic realities of American voters.

“In order to beat Hillary Clinton, we have to have a nominee on our side who is willing to throw every punch”, she said. And I’m disappointed as to where we’re going on immigration.

Hillary Clinton tore into the Republican field for a “nakedly partisan” push to curtail voting rights in an interview with the Rev. Al Sharpton Thursday. “Give me a break!” he said.

Clinton’s campaign set up a press filing room for reporters covering the debates at her headquarters in Brooklyn, New York.

Social Security collects payroll taxes from active workers to pay for retirees, and everyone is taxed a fixed percentage on their income up to a certain threshold. “In fact, I’ve got a T-shirt that says, uh, at the Jeb swag store, that says, ‘I’m the – my dad’s the greatest man alive”. I gave to many people, before this, before two months ago, I was a businessman.

Graham said the polls only test celebrity at this point, and that “Brad Pitt would be in the debate if he were in the poll”.


Fergus Cullen, a prominent New Hampshire Republican activist who hosted a house party for Bush, said the former governor is unfairly “held to a higher standard than the average candidate”.

Senator Lindsey Graham