
Pence appears to contradict Trump’s stance on NATO in PBS NewsHour interview

Trump is a “builder, he’s a fighter, he’s a patriot”, Pence said.


Republicans really do not have a candidate from their party in this presidential election.

“I’m a major donor to (Pence’s) $7.1 million and I can assure you that if Mike does not use that money to support the party’s nominee, his major donors will go insane”, Hubbard said Sunday. Pence jokes that running mate Donald Trump is charismatic and must have been looking for balance in choosing him.

Mike PencePence, 57, was a Republican lawmaker for 12 years and the third-highest-ranking member of the GOP in the House before becoming the governor of in in 2013. This is the first time in state history that the committee will determine their candidate for governor.

“The Republicans who don’t support Trump wouldn’t be swayed by a Cruz endorsement”, he said, “And if Cruz had endorsed Trump, it would have been in words only”.

Below is A Recap of Speeches on Day Three of The Republican Convention.

On foreign policy, Pence, whose son is a Marine, said Obama and Clinton’s policies have America “leading from behind” and Clinton’s dishonesty on Benghazi should disqualify from holding office. As soon as he started attacking Hillary Clinton, the crowd broke out into its chorus of “Lock her up”.

“My fellow Americans, I believe we have come to another rendezvous with destiny, and I have faith. faith in the boundless capacity of the American people and faith that God can still heal our land”, Pence said.

Republican vice presidential nominee Indiana Governor Mike Pence speaks during the third night of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, on Wednesday.

Finally Pence summed up Donald Trump as the best man for the White House in these turbulent times.

Eric Trump says his father is the one candidate for president “who does not need this job”. “He was fluid, on point and unifying”, Robert Rabon, the chair of the South Carolina Republican Party in Myrtle Beach, told me.

Pence, governor of IN, said, “The national debt has almost doubled IN these eight years, and her [Hillary Clinton’s] only answer is to keep borrowing and spending”.

Another member of the commonwealth’s delegation, U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly, from the 3rd Congressional District, added, “You can’t look at Donald Trump and look at Mike Pence and say they are anything but the last hope that we have for the future of our great country”. “And I promise you, Trump digs coal”. But there were no banners unfurled with Pence’s name on them, at least that I saw watching on television, or any other indication that this was supposed to be the second-most important speech of the week.

Cruz’s defiance ripped open party divisions anew, on the summer’s biggest political stage.


Focusing on the GOP down ballot, including U.S. Sen.

Pence Acts As Clean-Up Crew, Trump Cheerleader After Cruz Speech Disaster