
‘Star Trek’ New Series and Ship’s Name Are a Real ‘Discovery’

Fuller also revealed a first look at the new ship, the U.S.S. Discovery, which you can see above.


Shatner was joined onstage for the panel by other actors in the “Star Trek” canon, including Scott Bakula Michael Dorn and Jeri Ryan.

The creator specifically mentioned that “the new series has to remind the audience of the original message of Star Trek, which is continue to be progressive, continue to give us hope for a future”.

More specifically, Fuller said “we’ve got new things; we’re telling stories in a brand new way”. Fitting then that he is now living out his dream of running his own reboot of the series coming to CBS in January 2017 with Star Trek: Discovery.

As previously announced, the new STAR TREK marks the first original series developed for USA distribution on CBS All Access, which provides viewers thousands of episodes of CBS’s current and past seasons on demand, plus the ability to stream their local CBS Television station live for $5.99 per month. Still, this might make a lot of fans who were complaining about the design of the new ship very happy. The series won’t be episodic, but unfold more like a novel, he said.

“It’s an incredible honor to have shared the stage with these representatives of all the Star Trek series that have ever been”, Bryan Fuller told

We may have known where we can watch the upcoming new Star Trek TV series (Netflix, by the by), but we didn’t actually know what we were going to be watching.

Bryan Fuller will be the showrunner on the series, having previously been a writer on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager.


Fuller is the only one now working on a Star Trek project, so he also contributed about what Trek means and should mean, saying “Individuality should be celebrated”. How about the first teaser for “Star Trek: Discovery” as a way to fit that bill? We have to celebrate a progression of our species, because it seems right now we as a species need a little help.
