
Word cloud analysis of Donald Trump’s acceptance speech

Friday amounted to the start of weekend-long halftime show, between the Republican convention in Cleveland and Hillary Clinton’s Democratic National Convention, which opens Monday in Philadelphia.


He instead urged Republicans to “vote your conscience”, a refrain used by the anti-Trump faction of the party.

Trump said, “If you turn on television, you – you turn on some of the dishonest media, you’ll see that, oh, wow. this happened and that happened”.

Convention misfires began before the gathering itself.

He outlined his approach to fighting terrorism. He said he’ll create the “best intelligence gathering operation in the world”.

Her speech stood in stark contrast to Trump’s Thursday night acceptance speech where he painted a bleak picture of America as overrun with crime and terrorist threats that he vowed to restore to order, trumpeting his “America first” mentality. He set aside much of his usual bravado.

He offered himself as a powerful ally of those who feel Washington has left them behind. “But most of all, I am proud to be an American”.

He accused Clinton, his far-more-experienced Democratic rival, of utterly lacking the good judgment to serve in the White House and as the military’s commander in chief.

“This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction and weakness”.

He characterized Hillary Clinton as a “puppet” of the elites, a candidate who would not bring about change.

As he moves into the general election campaign, he’s sticking to the controversial proposals of his primary campaign, including building a wall along the entire U.S. -Mexico border and suspending immigration from nations “compromised by terrorism”.

‘It’s kind of hard to believe they spent all that time talking about me and not jobs and education, ‘ she said.

Many viewers were particularly surprised when Trump spoke positively and inclusively about LGBTQ people in the context of the Orlando shootings. “So he took his speech and you’re bound by that speech”.

Trump made his entrance in patriotic music and a crowd chanting “Trump, Trump”, after his eldest daughter, Ivanka, introduced him. The remarks, in an interview published online Wednesday by The New York Times, deviate from decades of American doctrine and seem to reject the 67-year-old alliance’s bedrock principle of collective defence.

Trump’s North Atlantic Treaty Organisation comments sent shockwaves across Europe and the diplomatic world, only a taste of what the response would be if Trump had been musing from the Oval Office.

In another Republican first, an openly gay speaker acknowledged his sexuality on Thursday from the podium – and put fellow Republicans on the spot by saying he disagreed with parts of the platform.

He had promised to describe “major, major” tax cuts.

Cruz, who has questioned Trump’s commitment to conservative principles, has also called the Republican nominee a paranoid conspiracy monger.

“These are the forgotten men and women of our country”, he said. And during his speech that evening, he mentioned Trump only once – in connection with his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who is popular among the party’s establishment.


Yet he also accused her of “terrible, bad crimes” and said her greatest achievement may have been avoiding prison for her use of a private email and personal server as secretary of state.

Cruz was booed for refusing to endorse Trump