
Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign DNC Post

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced her resignation Sunday following a massive email leak that exposed DNC officials favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders.


Donna Brazile, the DNC’s Vice Chairwoman, would step in as interim Chairwoman, DNC, Brazile previously ran Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign and is a regular on cable news, a tweet by Communications Director Luis Miranda said.

Yet it seems Sanders-Clinton unity is only hanging by a thread – and the email leak threatens to overwhelm the convention.

Bernie supporters were in full force at a rally in Philadelphia Sunday, focusing on one of the Vermont senator’s main priorities: climate change.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, indicated that he believes “Russian state actors” had some involvement in the leaked Democratic National Committee emails that show top Democrats writing off Sen.

“Well I think it’s outrageous, but it’s not a shock to me.

There is no question but the DNC was on Secretary Clinton’s side from day one”, Sanders told NBC’s Chuck Todd.

“To my mind, what is most important now is the defeating of the worst candidate for president that I have seen in my lifetime, Donald Trump, who is not qualified to be president by temperament, not qualified to be president by the ideas that he has brought forth”, Sanders said on ABC.

However, she points out that even if Wasserman-Schultz had a bias, “maybe overstep the line in their role as the party but people still went to the polls to vote for who they wanted to vote for”, she says. Clinton indicated in her statement that she will try to help Wasserman Schultz fend off the challenge in Congressional District 23. Bernie Sanders in seeking nomination from the democrat party for the 2016 presidential election.

Worth noting is whom Wasserman Schultz replaced at the DNC five years ago: Tim Kaine, who is now Clinton’s running mate.

More than 5,000 delegates are among the 50,000 people set to attend the four-day convention, which is expected to culminate with Clinton being named the party’s official nominee for president.

“Hillary Clinton should follow Wasserman Schultz’s lead and drop out over her failure to safeguard top secret, classified information both on her unauthorized home server and while traveling overseas”, Manafort said in a statement.

On Sunday, Sanders repeated his call for Wasserman Schultz to resign. In Cleveland last week, most protests during the Republican National Convention were concentrated in a tight, 1.7-square mile zone downtown.

The Democratic National Convention that is to formally nominate Hillary Clinton as the party’s presidential candidate is getting off to a torrid start amid a heat wave on Monday with rancor and a mini mutiny in the ranks.


“I am looking to a great convention and our ongoing efforts as we work together for a strong party and a successful election”, she added.

Roll call: Clinton heads to convention with 2814 delegates