
‘Heat Dome’ Causing Excessive Temperatures In Much Of US

A lot of things are coming together to make it really hot this weekend, so be sure to take precautions to be safe and follow the advice from the National Weather Service: Stay indoors, limit strenuous activities outside, drink lots of water, don’t leave anyone alone in a auto, and find a local cooling center if you don’t have access to air conditioning.


Expect even hotter conditions tomorrow with a high of 94 that feels like 100.

An Excessive Heat Watch will be in effect this weekend – this will become an Excessive Heat Warning, a warning that not only will temperatures be almost 10 degrees above normal, but the heat index values may surge into the triple digits.

“In the coming days, an enormous dome will envelope much of the Midwest before moving toward the East Coast over the weekend”, Musher told Live Science.

“During the summer months, with the jet typically so far north and not much cold air to dig into the United States, it’s natural for these large high pressure systems to develop”, he said. But the heat will continue to sizzle some areas.

An excessive heat watch was in effect for most of New Jersey, including Warren and Morris counties, and all counties south of them, from 11 a.m. Saturday until 6 p.m. Sunday.

The heat dome is a high-pressure mass.

FollowPresident Obama ✔@POTUSThis map says it all. The condition can lead to heavy sweating, weakness, a fast pulse and nausea, according to the CDC. Likewise, heat stroke symptoms include high body temperature; skin that is red, hot and dry; or even unconsciousness, according to the government. The National Weather Service recommends that people take precautions such as staying indoors in air-conditioned spaces, drinking enough water, wearing lightweight clothing, and eating “light, cool, easy-to-digest foods such as fruit or salads”.


Heatstroke, on the other hand, is the most risky heat-related illness and can occur when the body stops being able to regulate internal temperature.

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