
Hackers target Carphone Warehouse customers

TalkTalk, one Britain’s greatest internet/mobile services provider, acknowledged the hack and announced that it will thoroughly check the affected site before bringing it back online.


In a statement, Dixons Carphone said it was aiming to contact all 2.4 million customers affected by the hack.

The retailer’s owner, Dixons Carphone, has apologised for the attack and said additional security measures have been brought in.

Carphone Warehouse is yet to identify the people behind the breach, which is thought to have occurred at some point in the two weeks before being discovered.

Technology expert Tom Cheesewright said the firm may have been trying to assess the level of damage before making the announcement. Nevertheless, we felt it was important to let you know as soon as possible. Dixons Carphone also stated that the personal information of Currys, PC World and the “vast majority of Carphone Warehouse customers were not compromised and are kept separate systems”.

At this stage, our investigation indicates that some of the data held on our systems from customers and people who have previously provided information to the company has been accessed.

“For some of the affected customers, this may have also included their My Account username and passwords – for these customers, we have already suspended their accounts until they can reset their password”.

Are you a Carphone Warehouse customer?

You might want to check your emails if you’ve bought anything from Carphone recently.

– Notifying your bank and credit card company, so that they can monitor activity on your account.

Some customers complained that they should have been made aware when the breach was first discovered. It found the problem was widespread, with 15% of businesses questioned saying they had lost revenue due to a cybersecurity breach.

The Metropolitan Police and the Information Commissioners’ Office are now beginning an inquiry into the attack.


The encrypted bank card data of as much as ninety, 000 clients may even be in danger, it added.

Carphone Warehouse customers are being warned about a data breach