
Mystery surrounds location of South Sudan’s Riek Machar after fighting

James Gatdet Dak, a Machar representative speaking from neighboring Kenya, said the former rebel chief will come back once a regional force is deployed to keep the peace in the capital – a step rejected by the country’s Defense Ministry.


Alfred Taban, founder and editor of the privately run Juba Monitor, was detained on Saturday for writing articles that criticised South Sudan’s leaders over a flare-up in violence earlier this month.

“For some TCCs (troop-contributing country) who are council members and have the responsibility to ensure peace and security globally, this can be considered as a lack of respect to their engagement on peace and security”, said the internal memo.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urgred the leaders of South Sudan to sit together and make firm commitment that they will work as one team, both President and the First Vice President.

The Government now says that the evacuation of Kenyans in South Sudan has stopped, noting that Juba is keen to restore peace.

Britain withdrew two police officers, Germany seven police and Sweden three police, according to the memo.

A peacekeeping quick reaction force and formed police unit personnel were on the ground to control the crowd and no casualties were reported, a United Nations spokesman, Farhan Haq, told reporters in NY.

Rama Hansraj, Country Director for HelpAge International in South Sudan, urges to allow free movement of people at this time as many seek their lost relatives, assets and other necessities.

South Sudan President Salva Kiir and Riek Machar meet after he was sworn-in as the First Vice President at the Presidential House in South Sudan’s capital Juba, April 26, 2016.

British officials arranged the removal of the two officers, who were based in Juba, out of concerns for their safety on July 13. It also said the United States was reportedly planning to withdraw nine police.


At the UN protection of civilians sites where thousands continue to shelter following the fighting that erupted in Juba almost two weeks ago, the UN Mission (UNMISS) and aprtners are continuing to supply daily water supplies.

David Cameron speaking at the UN