
Donald Trump to do a Reddit AMA on Wednesday

Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump, speaks during the final day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Thursday, July 21, 2016. You’ll get your chance this Wednesday as the Republican presidential nominee is going to be hosting an Ask-Me-Anything session on Reddit.


Now Trump is employing another popular tool for public figures to spread their message: The Reddit AMA.

Firstly, the Q&A isn’t being held on Reddit’s traditional forum for this stuff, the /r/IAmA sub. Trump has made it clear in the past that he is targeting Sanders’ supporters, some of whom have pledged to not vote for Clinton.

The AMA session will be hosted by the pro-Trump “The_Donald” subreddit Wednesday at 4 p.m. PT. It’s not clear if the Trump campaign was approached by the mods of /r/The_Donald or the other way around, but either way, the deal works well for everyone involved.


Reddit is a site that calls itself the “front page of the internet”. The official post will go out at 6:30 p.m. and Trump will begin answering questions at 7:00 p.m.

Donald Trump