
Corbyn would nationalise Big Six energy firms if elected leader

The MP for Blackley and Broughton – who starts by complaining that “the starting gun was fired” before there had been an opportunity “to analyse our abysmal performance in the General Election” – warns there has been ‘massive infiltration into our party… in order to vote for Jeremy Corbyn in the belief that he will lead us to political oblivion.’.


Earlier this week Harriet Harman, Labour’s acting leader, sent all Labour MPs the names of the recruits in their constituencies, and asked them to weed out known opponents.

Speaking to Greenpeace, Corbyn said: “I would want the public ownership of the gas and the National Grid. We have no idea how many will get through”, he said. He said: “Not renewing gives our country an opportunity to invest in industry, innovation and infrastructure that will rebalance our economy and transform it into a world leading one”.

While Mr Corbyn conceded he didn’t have a large number of rich friends himself, he reiterated his comments in this morning’s Independent newspaper that rich people would be happier paying more tax, and added “all of us are vulnerable”.

Other promises Burnham makes in his manifesto include affordable housing for all by regulating the private sector, abolishing the lower minimum wage for under-21s, banning unpaid internships, and allowing 16-year-olds to vote, as well as the policy which has made the most headlines, renationalisation of the railways.

In the interview for BBC Radio 4’s On Your Farm programme, he said: “I happen to think the small farmer, the smallholder, is absolutely crucial to security”. But I am confident that the Labour Party members and supporters will ultimately choose a leader who can return the Party to government and rebuild the progressive consensus in Britain.

The frontrunner received the surprise backing of Boris Johnson who said the Tories would be “very complacent” to write him off as a total throwback to the 1970s. The contest to replace him has been thrown into turmoil, however, after hard-left MP Jeremy Corbyn unexpectedly won enough support to stand and has subsequently seen a surge in support. Yes, there is a problem of low pay. “We should be humble about that”.

“I think it’s unnerving people – people in the media, people in the party itself”.


“All applications to join the Labour Party as a member, affiliate or supporter are verified and those who are identified by our verification team as being candidates, members or supporters of another political party will be denied a vote”.

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