
John Oliver and stars sing message to politicians: ‘Don’t Use Our Song’

So, artists took to Last Week Tonight to record a rather hilarious song, “Don’t Use Our Song”, warning politicians in no uncertain terms, to not even try it.


Led by Usher, the amusing music video included riffs from Sheryl Crow, John Mellencamp, Cyndi Lauper, Josh Groban, and Dan Reynolds of Imagine Dragons – and it delivered a VERY clear message to politicians: stop using our songs!

John Oliver had no problem tearing apart Donald Trump’s RNC entrance songs – not only did Trump use them without permission, but the lyrics were hilariously ironic. “Don’t use our song/ ‘Cause you know it’s wrong/ The crowd might like it/ But you didn’t write it”, the stars croon over the anthemic melody. “It might seem appealing, but you’re just stealing”.

“By the time this tune is through, you’ll be lucky if we don’t sue”, Bolton sings during the chorus.


John Oliver returned to “Last Week Tonight” last night after a short hiatus, with pointed commentary on the Republican National Convention. But it’s common practice by politicians on both sides of the aisle – and it’s rare, apparently, that the songs are properly licensed. After first refusing to mention Trump on his show, Oliver dove headlong into personal insults against the White House hopeful after he began to win a string of primary contests.

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