
Desjardins Comments on Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd.’s Q3 2016 Earnings (CP)

Last week, Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. said declining carloads led to a 16-per-cent drop in profit and a 12-per-cent decline in sales in the second quarter. 15 financial analysts are now covering the stock.


The company said its earnings totaled C$865 million, or C$1.11 per share. BMO Capital Markets reiterated an “outperform” rating and issued a $200.00 price objective on shares of Canadian Pacific Railway in a report on Thursday, July 7th. As the outstanding stock of Canadian National Railway Company NYSE:CNI Railroads is bought and sold in the stock market, the current market cap indicates the existing public opinion of the net worth of Canadian National Railway Company CNI Railroads. Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (NYSE:CP) 52-week high is $162.83 and the 52-week low is $97.09. They now have a United States dollars 195 price target on the stock.

Canadian Pacific Railway (NYSE:CP) traded down 0.42% on Monday, hitting $148.54. In case a stock has a reading in between 0 and 1, it represents undervalued stock.

Learn how you could trade stocks with 91% to 100% success rate by using this revolutionary indicator that predicts when certain stocks are on the move. The stock has a 50-day moving average price of $132.90 and a 200 day moving average price of $129.67. TheStreet upgraded shares of Canadian Pacific Railway from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a report on Wednesday, April 20th. Finally, Bank of America Corp. initiated coverage on shares of Canadian Pacific Railway in a report on Wednesday, April 13th.

In other news, Director Matthew H. Paull purchased 1,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction on Tuesday, April 26th. The transaction was disclosed in a filing with the SEC, which can be accessed through this link.

Other large investors have added to or reduced their stakes in the company.

05/19/2016 – Canadian Pacific Railway Limited had its “underperform” rating reiterated by analysts at CLSA. The buying momentum continued till the end and the stock did not give up its gains.

“We expect the second quarter to be the volume trough for the year, CN’s chief executive officer Luc Jobin said in a statement accompanying the earnings release”.


Canadian National Railway Co (CNR.TO) announced a profit for second quarter that fell compared to the same period past year. Following the purchase, the director now directly owns 1,000 shares in the company, valued at approximately $143,890. CP provides rail and intermodal transportation services over a network of approximately 13,700 miles, serving the principal business centers of Canada from Montreal, Quebec, to Vancouver, British Columbia (B.C.), and the United States Northeast and Midwest regions.

Canadian Pacific Railway Limited