
3D-printed iPhone case gives you ideal Pokemon aim every time

If your efforts to amass a veritable army of Pokemon are often undone by your errant aim with the Pokeballs, there’s an iPhone case that can get you back on track.


Time to up your Pokémon catching skills. And some people just have bad aim, which makes the game very frustrating.

In terms of actual in-game gameplay, Pokémon Go is relatively simple: Once you find a Pokémon, engage it in battle, give the ball a good flick towards it, and hopefully you’re dexterous enough to catch it and gain those experience points.

You can download it here. You’ll just need to supply the 3D printer, and an iPhone 6 since that’s the only smartphone it’s created to fit. Or if you’re a mercenary, you can print a load off yourself and sell them to people for a lower price.

Alternatively, Cleaver is selling completed versions through his Etsy store for AU (R86), and he ships worldwide so you can by one if you’re down here with us in Africa.


Sadly, this case is only compatible with the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s, but Cleaver is looking at making these cases for a number of other smartphones, so you Android Pokémon hunters don’t get left out. The trick is to move your finger in a straight line, something this 3D-printed phone case/screen cover makes far too easy.
