
Red Cross says need for blood this summer is urgent

The American Red Cross is facing a critical blood shortage, the organization announced Monday. To ensure that sufficient stores of blood are available through the remainder of the summer, the Red Cross is asking all eligible donors to donate.


“If you’ve ever wondered how you can help save lives, giving blood helps meet the needs of hospital patients in the coming days and weeks, as well as in the event of an emergency”, said Mary Williams, St. Luke’s Volunteer Core Board president.

Unity Bank will hold a blood drive from noon to 5 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 5, at 64 Old Highway 22 in Clinton.

Currently, the Red Cross has less than a five-day supply of blood on hand, which is the minimum of an acceptable stockpile.

In the US, it is estimated that someone needs blood or platelets every 2 seconds.

Blood and platelets are needed for many different reasons.

Blood donations are needed for accidents, burns, heart surgeries and organ transplants.

You can donate blood through the Inova Blood Donor Services.

The organization is requesting all blood types to restock its supply.

Western New Yorkers are asked to donate blood and will be given a $5 gift card in exchange for their donation.


“Just realize that blood is perishable”. Donation appointments and completion of a RapidPass online health history questionnaire are encouraged to help reduce wait times.

Red Cross Reports Blood Shortage Where to Donate Blood in Milford