
Ivanka Trump talks about the human side of her father, Donald Trump

Ted Cruz of Texas was drowned out by boos after refusing to endorse Donald Trump, his party’s nominee for president.


Ivanka explained that she doesn’t identify as a Republican or a Democrat, saying that as a millennial, “more than party affiliation, I [vote] on what I believe is right for my family and for my country”. “I can tell you I’m not voting for Hillary”. Ted Cruz’s dramatic refusal to endorse him from the convention stage.

The prevailing narrative at the Cleveland convention has not been about Mr ‘Trump’s positions, but dominated instead by the failure of he party’s various factions to unite behind him because of lingering concerns over his policy positions and temperament.

Utah’s delegates and their alternates – all committed to Cruz – have been at the center of the contention during the four-day convention over the nomination of Trump.

In his speech, Trump offered little in the way of details about his policies but rather portrayed himself as a fresh alternative to traditional politicians, willing to consider new approaches to vexing problems and help working-class people who may feel abandoned. “Donald Trump has never done anything halfway-least of all as a parent”, she said. Clinton was on the verge of naming a running mate to join her in taking on Trump and his vice-presidential pick, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, in the general election. “America is one of the highest-taxed nations in the world”, Trump will continue.

“As a Republican, it is so nice to hear you cheering for what I just said”, he responded. The Cruz camp even stated that there were Trump operatives in the crowd urging the “boos” he received. He told me his parents had come to OH from Puerto Rico when he was a boy to work in the state’s steel and auto plants; he had followed in their footsteps by joining auto parts maker Delphi Packard, which laid him off in 2006 – a move he blames on the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA. Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal, said only Trump was being honest about how “fake culture wars” distract from America’s economic decline. Her greatest accomplishment, Trump said, was avoiding punishment from the Federal Bureau of Investigation for her use of a private email and personal server while as secretary of state.

Donald Trump insists he is great at making deals, but some of his employees might not agree.

In response to a question about potential Russian aggression towards the Baltic states, Trump told the newspaper in an interview that if Moscow attacked them, he would decide whether to come to their aid only after reviewing whether those nations “have fulfilled their obligations to us”.

Cruz, known as a ideologue of the conservative Tea Party movement who strongly favors small government, has been a controversial figure in the party himself, upsetting fellow Republicans in Congress by plowing his own furrow.

Trump devoted a significant portion of Friday’s event, billed as a thank you to convention staff and organizers, to attacking his former primary rival. “They’re so honest… They’re such honorable people… We don’t just put on red jerseys or blue jerseys and, ‘Yaaay!'” he said.

Former Utah Congresswoman Enid Mickelsen, the chairwoman of the convention’s rules committee, said the state Republican Party’s reputation has been damaged as a result of what she termed “magical thinking” that another nominee could emerge.

“That’s right”, a woman said.

Indeed, Clinton was aggressively attacked throughout the four-day Republican convention, with delegates repeatedly chanting, “Lock her up”.

Trump, daughter of her father’s first wife Ivana, has been a constant presence throughout the campaign, which has struggled among female voters.


The lieutenant governor said when other delegations turned on Cruz, “it felt like a WWE wrestling match when the hero turns out to be the villain at the end”.

Donald Trump Accepts GOP Nomination With Angry Dark Speech'I Am Your Voice