
Clinton-Kaine ticket makes debut in Miami

Clinton debuted her running mate Saturday, calling Kaine “everything that Donald Trump and Mike Pence are not”.


Kaine pledged he would continue to press for gun control and recalled the trauma his state underwent during the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, when a rampaging student killed 32 people. Bernie supporters are outraged, was their last choice.

Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton made her vice presidential finalists turn over all of their family members’ social media passwords and much more to be fully considered, according to a Politico report.

His wife coaxed him to finish up and told the crowd, “I’ve got to get him to bed”. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt.; and Bill and Chelsea Clinton.

But New York delegates and guests who were checking into their downtown Philadelphia hotel Sunday, the day before the convention begins, were mostly concerned about policy issues. It just gets me more excited.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton fist bumps Sen.

“If women are not accorded equal place in the leadership of the Catholic Church and the other great world religions, they will always be treated as inferiors in earthly matters as well”, Kaine said. Tim Kaine is too conservative – and that he’d “prefer” progressive Sen.

Paul Manafort said in a statement that Wasserman Schultz’s emails put the Democratic Party at risk, “but Hillary Clinton’s emails put all of America at risk”.

However, Kaine spokeswoman Amy Dudley denied the allegations, saying Kaine “went beyond the requirements of Virginia law, promptly disclosing any and all gifts received, including those beneath the reporting threshold”.

Kaine, 58, was long viewed as a likely choice, a former governor of politically important Virginia and mayor of Richmond who also served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

How the emails were stolen hasn’t been confirmed. Sanders said he will “do everything I can to make sure” Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, does not win the November national election to pick the successor to President Barack Obama when he leaves office next January.


After the DNC released a slightly trimmed list of superdelegates – those are the party officials who can back any candidate – it now takes 2,382 delegates to formally clinch the nomination.

Hillary Clinton and Sen. Tim Kaine D-Virginia her choice for vice president at a Clinton campaign event in Annandale Virginia