
100 acres burned in brush fire on Cape Cod military base

Wareham firefighters were among crews from eight towns that beat back a brush fire in Sandwich that burned approximately 100 acres Saturday into Sunday.


Sandwich fire officials responded to a report of a brush fire near the area. The fire was under control Monday but hotspots remained amid a spell of dry weather. A state police dive team was at the pond, and a boat on the water, to keep people away from the operation, police said. The helicopters are equipped with “Bambi Buckets” that can hold up to 600 gallons of water.

Massachusetts State Police and the Army National Guard fought the blaze with helicopters used to drop water pulled from Snake Pond, located in Sandwich.

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State Troopers are patrolling Route 6 to determine if there will be any effect on local traffic.

Firefighting and waterdrops will resume at 8 the morning on Sunday.


There was a haze of smoke in the village of Sandwich on Saturday.

Large brush fire on Joint Base Cape Cod