
Project X, Black Lives Matter protests set for today in Syracuse

They take our votes and they don’t give us anything in return.


Protestors at the Sydney Black Lives matter protest on Saturday. Those whop attended the “Black Lives Matter” rally say it was meant to be an act of unity, and show that not just black or Hispanic lives matter, but that all lives matter and to do so in a peaceful way.

The two appeared on TMZ’s Raq Rants! to share their thoughts on the movement and police brutality. Both attacks have come amid renewed tensions between police and the black community.

“This is an important part of the American process of democracy of calling attention to injustice; of peacefully marching and saying that our system listens to peaceful protests”, Miner said.

He said his job is to push a message that there is still hope and that he wants people to support both law enforcement’s and the community’s safety. “Many people aren’t realizing that you don’t have to choose one or the other”. And I would never go to a breast cancer rally and yell out ‘Colon cancer matters!’ And that’s what people are doing here, they are frustrated by the fact that black people are focusing on the inequity and injustice specifically targeted to black people.

“This is our future and we have to secure it and make sure we have our equal rights”, she says.

A second rally in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States was held in downtown Montreal’s Cabot Square Saturday afternoon.

The rally comes after the shooting death of two U.S. men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, at the hands of police.


Scores of protesters backing the Black Lives Matter cause were on the streets of Cleveland as the Republican National Convention got under way.

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