
Hillary Clinton On RNC’s Relentless Focus On Her: ‘Very Sad’

“There is only one person I trust with that responsibility, only one person I believe is truly qualified to be president of the United States, and that is Hillary Clinton”. But convention delegates pledged to Vermont Sen. At this week’s Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, she and her vice presidential pick, Sen. Perhaps most troubling for the Clinton supporters gathering in Philadelphia this week: 68% now say Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, her worst rating on that measure in CNN/ORC polling.


Democratic strategist Dave “Mudcat” Saunders said he is backing Mr. Trump.

Anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks at the weekend released almost 20,000 emails from between January 2015 and May 2016, gleaned by hackers who apparently raided the accounts of seven Democratic National Committee leaders. The event will be part pep rally and part infomercial for a party still looking to heal its wounds after a bitter, divisive primary.

Hillary Clinton is not someone who takes many risks.

Sanders will meet in private with his supporters today before the convention starts.

Democrats “have a tremendous opportunity” because “they are following on the heels of a highly negative convention”, said Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia politics expert.

“I have a traditional Catholic personal position, but I am very strongly supportive that women should make these decisions and government shouldn’t intrude”, the Virginia senator has said.

Sanders has yet to release his delegates and it’s still unclear if they will unite behind Clinton in an effort to defeat Republican nominee Donald Trump. And in another email, a Clinton campaign lawyer suggested to the DNC how it should respond to claims from the Sanders campaign that it was improperly using a joint fundraising committee with state parties. “I’m going to talk about what he’s done, how he has hurt people in business time after time after time”, she said.

Maggie Chain, 28, an independent who registered as a Democrat to support Sanders, said Clinton was a “liar” with “a lot of blood on her hands”.

“Debbie was totally loyal to Hillary, and Hillary threw her under the bus”, Trump said, adding, “I don’t want her covering MY back”. “He’s a big time supporter of beating Trump, which absolutely we have to do”.

Kellar, the Sanders delegate, agrees Trump should never be president. Sanders did not endorse Clinton until earlier this month after she had wrapped up the nomination in June. He’s increased the share who call him honest and trustworthy (from 38% to 43%), and who would be proud to have him as president (from 32% to 39%).

“Two years ago, it was nearly unimaginable that Hillary Clinton would be campaigning on debt-free college, expanding Social Security, breaking up “too big to fail” banks and all these other progressive issues”, said Adam Green, a founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

The convention is the campaign’s best chance to reach critical audiences before the November election, said Benenson. “I- I’m ready first to be a supportive vice president so that the presidency of Hillary Clinton is- is a fantastic one”, Kaine said.

Florida will once again be a battleground state this fall. In fact, Clinton might need to rely on fear of a Trump presidency to get the progressive vote at all.

Clinton, raised in the Sputnik era, once aspired to be an astronaut and, when she was short on cash in college, scavenged the Wellesley campus for discarded items.

“The young people, especially the millennials, all they do is hear her bashed all day long”, he said.

Still, Clinton held on to the support of most of her March supporters over this period, and picked up some support from previously undecided voters.


Marilyn Mordes, 61, a Clinton supporter and delegate from Stuart, chalks up the close race to the different styles of the candidates and their campaigns. “No plans to make anything great for anyone except rich guys like Donald Trump”. “He’s a bit louder”. He’s got a busy week of travel ahead that will take him to several states including Pennsylvania.

It's Official: Hillary Clinton Picks Tim Kaine as Running Mate