
Donald Trump Overtakes Hillary Clinton for First Time in CNN Poll

The poll, conducted in the two days following the convention, found only 33 percent of voters have a favorable view of Cruz.


But not always. GOP nominee Mitt Romney got no bounce from the 2012 convention and Democratic nominee John Kerry actually dropped in the polls in 2004.

Clinton’s lead over Trump has been reducing every passing week.

The CNN pollsters also asked voters whom they would support if they could select not only Clinton or Trump but also the candidates from minor parties – Libertarian Gary Johnson and Jill Stein of the Green Party.

The Democratic National Convention opens today, amid turmoil over the resignation of Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz over leaked emails that showed DNC staffers favoring Clinton over rival Bernie Sanders.

In all of these categories Clinton’s ratings have fallen, with a whopping 68% of Americans now saying that Clinton is dishonest and not trustworthy, her worst rating ever in CNN/ORC polling.

Remember when Sen. Ted Cruz spoke to the Republican National Convention and was booed for not endorsing Donald Trump?

Cruz has low overall favorability nationwide in the new CNN/ORC poll.

Of course, this is a single poll that took place immediately after the flap, and there’s a lot of time for Cruz to regain his footing with conservatives.

“One thing you will never hear from me is praises for dictators and strongmen who have no love for America”, Clinton said, a nod to the fact that Trump has said positive things about Russian President Vladimir Putin and late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

The public rendered a split decision on whether the convention made them more or less likely to back Trump, 42% said more likely while 44% said less so, but the shift in voter preferences suggests the “more likely” side carried more weight.

Trump later said he didn’t want Cruz’s endorsement anyway and wouldn’t accept it. And most came away feeling ready to decide about Trump’s fitness for the job: 78% say they already know enough to know whether he’d be a good president.


In the first 2016 GOP Presidential debate, the full field of seventeen candidates was separated for debate purposes into ten Major and seven Minor Candidates. Results for the sample of 882 registered voters have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
