
Hillary Clinton to campaign in Charlotte Monday, Donald Trump in Charlotte Tuesday

That represents a 6-point convention bounce for Trump.


This is Trump’s highest numbers against Clinton in CNN polls since September, 2015.

The national poll by Morning Consult finds the Republican presidential nominee pulling ahead of Clinton by 4 points, which Morning Consult finds a “sizeable swing” from the past week, when Clinton clung to a 2 point lead.

Trump also threatened to launch a super PAC to take down Cruz.

Back in May, Donald Trump visited one more humiliation on Ted Cruz before decisively beating him in primary season.

And on Sunday NBC’s Meet The Press, Trump said he “will probably” fund a political action committee focused on taking down Cruz, Ohio Gov. John Kasich (who has also declined to endorse him) and someone else he wouldn’t name.

Nearly half – 48 percent – rated Trump’s speech as good or excellent, essentially tied with the speech given by his daughter, Ivanka Trump, but higher than his running mate, Mike Pence, or Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus.

“I know that this is the first time that one of our major parties has nominated a woman”, Clinton said.

Trump (48 per cent) leads Clinton (45 per cent) by three per cent in a two-way match up, CNN/ORC said. He said Trump didn’t win over persuadable voters, but simply shored up his base. To be sure, good Clintonians really believe they are social justice warriors – the fairest of them all – and they will spend Hillary’s convention establishing this over and over again until agreement is unanimous. Trump said Friday. “They’re not saying, ‘Oh, that wasn’t my father.’ That’s a little hard to do”.

Favorability ratings for Trump’s wife, Melania, climbed from 27% pre-convention to 43% post-convention, despite news that her Monday night speech contained passages lifted from Michelle Obama’s 2008 Democratic convention speech.

The poll included 2,502 registered voters from July 22-24 and carries a margin of error of 2 percentage points.


After Democratic Party officials learned their systems were attacked in late April, they sought the help of the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike Inc., which then discovered traces of at least two sophisticated hacking groups on the Democrats’ network – both of which have ties to the Russian government.

Clinton at VP announcement