
Watch ‘Wonder Woman’ and ‘Justice League’ trailers from Comic-Con

Suicide Squad opens August 5th. In the trailer, Diana Prince sees a man for the first time. “But what about your father?” Diana responds, “I have no father”.


“I can’t let you do this”, says Trevor in one scene.

Out of San Diego Comic Con this year, the first trailer for Zack Snyer’s Justice League will surely be one of if not the most watched trailer.

“It’s an honor and a privilege”, a visibly trembling Gadot told the Comic-Con devotees about bringing the character to the big screen. “His exclusion from the film’s first trailer supports the idea his will be a late entry, with the film’s dramatic crux potentially surrounding whatever dark forces led to his resurrection”, she wrote.

Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana presented footage from their new film Guardian Of The Galaxy 2, which also stars Kurt Russell and Sylvester Stallone. And just in case you were anxious that Superman (Henry Cavill) might not get to join up with the Justice League in light of the events in Batman v Superman (he’s not seen in the teaser footage), there is the Man of Steel prominently featured at the front of the group photo.

“Everyone was doing all this action – I was doing it wearing heels”, Robbie said of the shoot, which took place a year ago in Toronto and Chicago.

“I am literally vibrating inside”, Boseman said as he took to the stage for his first Comic-Con. “This is a movie about bad versus evil”.

The 2016 San Diego Comic Con debuted a number of trailers for some upcoming highly anticipated movies including Justice League and Wonder Woman.


Gadot reprises her turn as Wonder Woman, originally introduced in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. The clip also shows Jason Momoa as Aquaman and Ezra Miller as The Flash. Both look very good and actually like real good times, something that wasn’t necessarily suggested by the events of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Later, Trevor asks, “You’ve never met a man before?” What the DCEU was missing was that sense of levity that has helped push Marvel to be the undisputed kings of comic book movies (coherent plots and a long game helped, too).
