
Outgoing DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz heckled at breakfast

Appearing with Florida delegates to the convention, Wasserman Schultz was met on Monday with praise from several of her allies.


Both parties are going through major upheavals, the unrest driven largely by grassroots anger at political institutions and elites.

Sanders said in a speech to his delegates Monday afternoon that “we have got to defeat Donald Trump and we have got to elect Hillary Clinton”. “There is absolutely no reason that a day after rightfully resigning in disgrace with the quote “Bernie Sanders will not be president” leaked from an email that she should be addressing the delegates”, Riker said.

Stepping back, the notion put forth by the Clinton campaign that Russian Federation somehow had a role in Friday’s release of 20,000 e-mails where top DNC officials were caught plotting against Sanders-such as the party spokesman suggesting it might hurt him in southern states if his religious beliefs were questioned-strains the imagination, even as computer experts say it is possible.

The Democratic Party, according to rival Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus, “embraces an approach to politics which has stacked the deck against Bernie Sanders and secretly aided Hillary Clinton”. She said on Sunday she would not speak at the convention as originally scheduled.

Trump dismissed the suggestion in a tweet: “The joke in town is that Russian Federation leaked the disastrous DNC emails, which should never have been written (stupid), because Putin likes me”.

David Beaton, a Sanders delegate from Sarasota, shouted along with the protesters.

Clinton, however, performed well in the debates, and soon more were added to the schedule. But Sanders had his own troubles when he tried to rally his own supporters toward party unity. I think I read he is an atheist.

“That’s how angry we are”, one woman wearing a “Thank You Bernie” shirt argued pointedly at a Clinton supporter. Democrats said they wanted to convey a message of optimism and improving the lives of all Americans.

Washington Examiner reporter Ariel Cohen said the scene was similar at a California delegation breakfast.

Nonetheless, Sanders, who also blamed Wasserman Schultz for favoring closed primaries – much of his support came from non-Democrats – continued to call for her to leave her post.

In some ways, it mirrored the GOP convention last week, when U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, refused to endorse the billionaire businessman.

If only Wasserman Schultz was as popular as McKinnon’s impression of her. Of course, unless the DNC steers directly into a glacier, it should still prove less disastrous than that dog and donkey show masquerading as the Republican National Convention.

That makes this election season one of the most volatile and hard to forecast. I myself have called out Trump for his attempt to temporarily ban Muslims and his unacceptable comments about Mexican immigrants, among other areas of disagreement.


The party announced Monday it would kick off its convention with a lineup of speakers aimed at easing the tensions. He leads Clinton in the poll with 44 percent support to her 39 percent. And now Hillary brought her into her campaign.
