
Cruz ‘Dishonorable,’ May Have ‘Ruined His Political Career’

Eight years ago, Mrs. Obama said: “And Barack and I were raised with so numerous same values: like, you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you’re going to do, that you treat people with dignity and respect”.


Preceding Mr Trump’s speech, his daughter Ivanka introduced him. “It was pure Trump”, he said. “I thought it was a bad call”. “And you know, he’ll come and endorse over the next little … I feel so badly”, Trump said, somewhat less-than-ingenuously.

Dismissing Cruz’s criticisms, Trump suggested he stay off the campaign trail: “Ted, stay home, relax – enjoy yourself”.

“They ran Trump’s acceptance speech through a plagiarism app, and it turns out most of it was lifted from Vladimir Putin”, George Takei wrote, while Eric Benet sniped: “#TrumpSpeech‪ I give it 4 out of 5 swastikas.

During his lengthy address – one hour and 15 minutes – Trump said he would bring back law and order. And I don’t think they showed that it was GQ.

Cruz said that the Trump campaign had seen the speech beforehand, and that he told Trump personally that he would not make an endorsement.

The rally at the Florida State Fairgrounds, part of a two-day swing through the crucial battleground state, offered voters Clinton’s first full rebuttal to this week’s convention in Cleveland, where chants of “Lock Her Up!” were commonplace.

“(He) made a statement that wasn’t on the speech and then went back to his speech”, he said.

So he took his speech – and you’re bound by that speech, just like you’re bound by the pledge.

Drawing on her experience as an executive at the Trump Organization, Ivanka, a mother of three, said that when a female employee becomes a mother “she is supported, not shut out”. “Over the phone, she read me some passages from Mrs. Obama’s speech as examples”.

“The party has come together”, Trump said, later adding: “The few people that aren’t there, it’s OK”.

Still, the speech played to the cheap seats, and by cheap, I mean racist. “I didn’t do anything”.

The acronym LGBT is more commonly used to refer to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

“It’s hard. We just don’t think he represents our values”.

“Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it“, Trump told delegates. In a certain way, although he’s got good intellect but he doesn’t know how to use it.

“So that takes care of the Heidi thing. Because Heidi is a terrific woman”, Trump said. We had nothing to do.

Mr Trump wants to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico, ban Muslims from war-torn Middle Eastern countries and renegotiate global trade agreements.

“Let’s face it, we’re officially for Cruz but there were a lot of [Marco] Rubio and other Rubio people that were in that group”, Bishop said, noting he was initially a Rubio supporter. So he said we have nothing to do.


Mr Cruz was recounting to an audience how he had outlasted most of his 16 rivals for the Republican presidential nomination when a plane carrying the man who had won it, Donald Trump, flew overhead, interrupting him mid-speech.

Ted Cruz