
Donna Brazile: Debbie Wasserman Schultz ‘Deserves’ to Be a Part of DNC

However they got released, some of the emails could be damaging to the Democratic Party’s attempts to unify at its convention in Philadelphia this week. Obama has personally campaigned for and endorsed Clinton.


News outlets were confirming Sunday night that Democratic political consultant Donna Brazile will be the interim DNC chairwoman and that if Granholm gets a look, it will be after the November elections.

“There’s no way a speech by Debbie Wasserman Schultz will be well-received by Bernie Sanders delegates”, Solomon, national coordinator of the Bernie Delegates Network, told The Post. “And she still wants to speak!”

“I know that electing Hillary Clinton as our next president is critical for America’s future”, Wasserman Schultz said in a statement.

Jennifer Granholm is said to be among those under consideration to replace Debbie Wasserman Schultz as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.

“They were yelling things like “shame, shame, shame” and holding up signs that said the words ’emails, ‘ and also some people were holding Bernie Sanders posters”, Lee reported. “Now we have evidence in black and white that they were trying to put out negative stories about Bernie Sanders”.

The Sanders delegates from NY are holding a special meeting Monday morning.

At this point it is nearly certain this will have a major effect on the election, as liberals are furious to begin with after Clinton’s choice of Tim Kaine as her vice presidential running mate, a man who is against everything Sanders was about.

“The DNC has to keep an air – not only air – a position of impartiality”, said Dick Harpootlian, a Sanders supporter and former chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party.

Alexander said the protest happened organically and that protesters were angry that Wasserman Schultz was still at the convention.

Other emails offered details of perks provided to party donors attending the convention and other events involving Democratic officials.

“I don’t think it’s going to have any impact”.

Republican nominee Donald Trump, however, said the emails were proof of the Democrats’ “rigged” system, resurfacing an attack he’s leveled against the party before.

“I think we need a new chair who is going to lead us in a very different direction, that is taking on the billionaire class and fighting for an agenda that works for working families”, Sanders told ABC’s This Week earlier, adding that “these emails reiterate that reason why she should not be the chair”.

Even though Sanders sought to redirect the outrage over the leaked emails and urged his supporters to focus on Trump, he acknowledged that Kaine is not the vice-presidential pick he had hoped for.

One email features DNC staffers pondering ways to undercut Sanders, an insurgent Democrat who had a bitter relationship with party leadership.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, indicated that he believes “Russian state actors” had some involvement in the leaked Democratic National Committee emails that show top Democrats writing off Sen.

The scandal is an unwanted distraction as the Democratic Party tries to paint itself as paint itself as unified at the four-day convention.

She previously served in the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate, and was campaign co-chair for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 unsuccessful run for President.


“A compromise of this nature is something we take very seriously, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will continue to investigate and hold accountable those who pose a threat in cyberspace”, it said.

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz speaks at a rally before the arrival of Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her vice presidential running mate U.S. Senator Tim Kaine in Miami Florida U.S