
Donald Trump gets small post-RNC bounce in battleground states

He was blistering about Hillary Clinton, his Democratic opponent, and her tenure as secretary of state, arguing that her diplomatic strategy in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya and other countries had led to civil unrest and political chaos, and rendered her unfit to be president.


This “rigged system” rhetoric is also a favourite theme of that insurgent candidate on the left, Bernie Sanders.

That effort comes as Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday her plans to resign her post after leaked emails revealed DNC staffers favoring Clinton in the primary between the former secretary of state and Sanders as well as Wasserman Schultz’s own comments critical of Sanders’ top strategist.

They’re with her because they find Hillary Clinton so qualified and Donald Trump so … terrifying.

After more than a year of campaigning, more than a decade in politics and more than a generation of public service, the challenge for Hillary Rodham Clinton is clear, great and urgent: can she present a new, different, compelling face to Americans?

Trump (48 per cent) leads Clinton (45 per cent) by three per cent in a two-way match up, CNN/ORC said. Elections have consequences. Clinton has sought to recast the Republican narrative over fear, anxiety and division with a alternate vision by Democrats of a kinder and more respectful world. She did so, though, without mentioning Trump once.

Clinton also poked at the Republican Party’s lack of unity, highlighted by a speech in which Texas Sen.

Another possible reason for the variability in mid-summer polling is the conventions, which normally produce temporary “bounces” for each of the candidates (more on why below). They do, however, think they can make voters dislike her a little less by offering testimonials from people she’s had a positive impact on, while making her more relatable.

She couldn’t be more qualified, said Jeanne Cumby, 54, of Asheville, N.C., “unless she’d been to the moon”. Mr Trump made a direct appeal to the Vermont senator’s voters on the issue he said is most important to them – trade. Clinton made himself a figure of empathy and hope in a country in recession run by an aloof President George H.W. Bush. The emotional impact of learning about her mother’s mistreatment as an orphan was formative.

“You think you know somebody, but you really don’t know their biography, you don’t know what makes them who they are”, she said.

“The Democrats tonight have to be on their heels knowing they are in for a tough ride because he has upped his game tonight”, Patrick said.

Pence has been well-received by people in the party’s social conservative wing, who have been skeptical of Trump’s commitment to opposing abortion and same-sex marriage. He got into this race shortly after a private phone conversation with Bill Clinton, fueling speculation in some quarters that his real goal was to destroy the GOP from within. He stressed “the importance of real-time communication between countries, information sharing so that our police and our border guards and airport security officials know when they are coming into contact with suspected terrorists”.

Why are they with her? Trump supporters aren’t bothered by a government managed economy, apparently.

It shows a majority of Republicans to be behind their nominee but with a good number of holdouts, Democrats more solidly behind theirs, and independents split but more of them taking the view that Clinton is more qualified.

This week, eyes and ears will be on the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Gallup’s new numbers on Monday – 38 percent favorable and 57 percent unfavorable – are also unprecedented over the course of Clinton’s political career.

State Sen. Kirk Watson, D-Austin, a Clinton delegate, said he was “astonished” by how badly the Republican convention was managed.

Pence joke about speaking before the convention Wednesday evening.

Philadelphia speakers include Anastasia Somoza, who was born with cerebral palsy and spastic quadriplegia and interned in Clinton’s Senate office; Karla Ortiz, an American citizen whose parents are undocumented and fear deportation; and Lauren Manning, one of the most severely injured survivors of the September 11 terror attacks whom Clinton helped to secure the medical care. Confirmed celebrities include Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Snoop Dog, Demi Lovato, Lady Gaga, Eva Longoria and America Ferrera. “Let’s defeat her in November”, he said.


Trump shouting his dystopic vision of the US into living rooms across America.


A man sets up balloons for the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia