
Clinton Says She Has No Nickname For Trump

It comes days before the Democratic National Convention begins in Philadelphia. “She doesn’t insult people, she listens to them”.


“Brothers and sisters, this is the real world that we live in”, Sanders said as he tried to quiet the crowd. Democrats can lie, cheat, viciously attack opponents, be as corrupt as the day is long, and the press will play it down, ignore it, ore make excuses, all while sending armies of angry reporters chasing after even the slightest perceived GOP wrongdoing.

It will “stand in stark contrast to the dark, dismal speakers we had at the Republican convention who were screaming and shrieking at people”, said Benenson.

Clinton described Kaine as someone who’s fought for stricter gun laws, education funding and veterans issues. Elizabeth Warren, a favorite of liberals and one of the party’s toughest critics of Republican Donald Trump.

Bloomberg has been sharply critical of Trump, and in particular of his fellow New Yorker’s inflammatory rhetoric on immigration. “Republicans will run hard against Democrats on trade this year”.

His endorsement was first reported Sunday by The New York Times.

Kushner and Kellar are among the 246 delegates Florida will send to the four-day Democratic National Convention.

“The combination of his tone, his demeanor, his life story -it just said a lot about her capacity to choose the right person and not listen to pressure from the outside”, he said. I wanted to know from Sanders’ most die-hard supporters who gathered around Marconi Plaza for a rally: If Sanders doesn’t get the nomination, how will you vote in November?

The DNC rules committee member spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of internal party affairs.

A strong asset Kaine brings to the ticket is fluency in Spanish; he gave the first Senate speech entirely in that language.

Economic issues are the focus, with the Democratic ticket set to stop in Harrisburg and Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, and Youngstown and Columbus in Ohio.

Clinton’s speech Thursday night is her big moment.

Kaine is viewed skeptically by some liberals in the Democratic Party, who dislike his support of free trade and Wall Street. But if someone is doing the right thing, how much should we care that his motives may not be pure and his personal preferences not our own?

With so many people waiting eagerly for the announcement Friday night, reactions to Tim Kaine as Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential pick were mixed. And sizable numbers of Democrats say they’re behind Clinton.

Sanders previewed his remarks during an appearance earlier Monday before supportive delegates. Former President Bill Clinton is also said to have been high on his selection.

She said “you have helped shape us” and that she and her husband “will really need your prayers”.

Jocelyn Bucaro, an OH superdelegate and Clinton supporter, praised Kaine as someone who will appeal to a broad range of voters in swing states, even Republicans uncomfortable with Trump.

Appearing with Clinton on the CBS show Sunday, Clinton’s running mate, Sen.

Kaine’s Saturday appearance will be another test of his ability to serve up the traditional attack lines that vice presidential candidates are expected to deliver.

Some (including Kaine himself) say he is boring.

Here’s what Sanders tells ABC’s “This Week”: “I’m not shocked, but I am disappointed”. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., to quit as chairwoman immediately.

“Trump thinks he can win votes by fanning the flames of fear and hatred”, Warren said.

So we’ve got Lyin’ Ted, Little Marco and Crooked Hillary, and now Donald Trump has given Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential pick, Tim Kaine, a nickname: Corrupt Kaine.

Philadelphia is ready for the Democratic National Convention. Obama considered him for vice president a year later.

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation members promise that an attack against any of them is considered an assault against all.

Democratic National ConventionGathering for their convention in Philadelphia, Democrats struggled to shake lingering bitterness among supporters of defeated rival Bernie Sanders and dealt with the aftermath of a leadership shakeup at the top.

There are now 4,763 total delegates, and 712 of them are superdelegates.

Two superdelegates left their positions in the last month, while Rep. Mark Takai of Hawaii died from cancer.

And Clinton still swamps that total: She raised $315,167 from 4,379 contributors in June, bringing her total to $2.7 million to date from almost 20,000 people in the state.


More than 50 remain uncommitted.

Presumed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton listens during a town hall style campaign event Tuesday Dec. 29 2015 at South Church in Portsmouth New Hampshire