
Trump Says He Plans to Launch Super PAC Against Ted Cruz

According to Bloomberg, “a person familiar with Trump’s thinking” says Trump is willing to pour millions into outside groups in the months leading up to election day, in an effort to prevent Cruz and Kasich from ever winning another office.


One of the most weird accusations made by Donald Trump was that somehow Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, was involved in the President John Kennedy assassination.

Donald Trump is not backing down from a number of contested convention-week statements, including pledges to change North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, a border ban that would affect Muslims and a number of countries, the tone of his acceptance speech, his refusal to release his tax returns, and threats to fund opponents for Republicans who oppose him. He still regularly boasts about his victories on the campaign trail and occasionally falls back into mocking his vanquished rivals.

Cruz was booed by his home state delegation during his speech, in which he told Republicans to vote their conscience and support conservatives up and down the ticket, but declined to give his support to Trump. “I didn’t do anything”. And then garbling it: even the NE didn’t claim Cruz and Oswald had breakfast together, as Trump stated after the convention. When his plane was grounded with mechanical delays just as Trump was working to settle on his running mate, he flew them out to join him in IN to spend time with the state’s governor, Mike Pence, his ultimate choice.

“I know the man as a parent and I can share how he raised me and my siblings, and the father he was, ” she said.

“If Trump wins the election in November, he will definitely try to settle this score by throwing the White House behind a primary candidate to run against Cruz”, said Republican strategist Ron Bonjean. “There was a picture, and that’s the only thing I know”.

“I am not in the habit of supporting people who have attacked my wife and attacked my father”, Cruz said. He referenced it again after Cruz trolled Trump at the RNC, but Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort says that Trump only referred to the rumor after Cruz brought it up again himself. When spotted Friday afternoon at Reagan National Airport in Washington, the Texas senator said he was aware of Trump’s recent remarks but demurred. The JFK-related story was in the National Enquirer, Trump said, so it shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand.

The development followed a campaign that featured charges and counter-charges between Trump and Cruz, who began the race on friendly terms and kind words.

Another of Trump’s billionaire buddies, Silicon Valley’s Peter Thiel, revealed a glimpse of a new Republicanism, shorn of GOP “family values”.


And why didn’t Trump have not only the decency, but the good sense to agree to issue an apology for attacks on Heidi Cruz, in tandem with a Cruz apology for his Utah PAC’s releasing a photo of Melania Trump? Your next first lady. He told RCP that if Patrick were to challenge Cruz in the primary, he would support him. The Cruz campaign disavowed the ad at the time and denied any connection to it. Cruz drew the wrath of Trump and his supporters with an address Wednesday at the Republican National Convention that declined to offer any support for the nominee. Despite liking those qualities, however, Wuller said it’s not enough to make her cast her vote for Donald Trump.
